5 Examples of Superlative Adjectives in Sentences

5 Examples of Superlative Adjectives in Sentences

5 Examples of Superlative Adjectives in Sentences

Related: 100 Examples of Superlative Adjectives in Sentences

5 Examples of Superlative Adjectives in Sentences

  1. Making bread is the simplest task on the planet.
  2. The worst shod is the cobbler’s wife.
  3. The weakest is thrown against the wall.
  4. This is one of the city’s hottest nightclubs.
  5. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system.

5 Superlative Adjectives and Explanations

Superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more things or people and indicate the highest degree of a quality or characteristic. They are formed by adding “-est” to the end of the base adjective or by using “most” before the adjective. Here are five examples of superlative adjectives and explanations of their meanings:

1. Largest

This superlative adjective indicates the greatest size or quantity of something.

For example, “The largest elephant in the world is named Jumbo.” This means that Jumbo is bigger than any other elephant in the world.

2. Strongest

This superlative adjective indicates the greatest physical or emotional strength of something or someone.

For example, “Superman is the strongest superhero in the Justice League.” This means that Superman has more physical strength than any other superhero in the Justice League.

3. Most beautiful

This superlative adjective indicates the highest level of beauty or attractiveness of something or someone.

For example, “The most beautiful flower in the garden is the rose.” This means that the rose is considered to be the most beautiful flower in the garden.

4. Smartest

This superlative adjective indicates the highest level of intelligence or mental ability of someone or something.

For example, “Einstein is considered to be the smartest physicist of all time.” This means that Einstein’s intelligence surpasses that of any other physicist in history.

5. Happiest

This superlative adjective indicates the highest level of happiness or contentment of someone or something.

For example, “My dog is the happiest when she’s playing in the park.” This means that the dog experiences more happiness in the park than in any other situation.


In conclusion, superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more things or people and indicate the highest degree of a quality or characteristic. They are formed by adding “-est” to the end of the base adjective or by using “most” before the adjective. Understanding superlative adjectives can help you communicate more effectively and precisely in English.