5 Examples of Conjunctions in Sentences

5 Examples of Conjunctions in Sentences! Conjunctions are words that connect phrases, clauses, or sentences, and indicate the relationship between them, such as adding information (e.g. “and”), showing a contrast (e.g. “but”), providing alternatives (e.g. “or”), expressing a reason (e.g. “because”), and more.

Related: 20 Examples of Conjunctions

5 Examples of Conjunction

Here are five common conjunctions, their definitions, and example sentences:

  1. And – used to connect words or phrases that are similar or related.

Example sentences:

  • I went to the store and bought some milk.
  • She studied for hours and finally passed the exam.
  • The sun was shining and the birds were singing.
  1. But – used to indicate contrast or exception.

Example sentences:

  • I wanted to go out, but it started to rain.
  • She loves pizza, but she’s allergic to cheese.
  • He works hard, but he doesn’t make much money.
  1. Or – used to present alternatives or choices.

Example sentences:

  • Would you like coffee or tea?
  • We can go to the movies or stay home and watch TV.
  • Do you want to walk or take the bus?
  1. Nor – used to indicate a negative statement with another negative statement.

Example sentences:

  • He didn’t eat breakfast, nor did he have lunch.
  • She doesn’t like coffee, nor does she like tea.
  • He doesn’t play sports, nor does he watch them on TV.
  1. Yet – used to indicate something that is surprising or unexpected.

Example sentences:

  • It’s already 10 pm, yet he hasn’t arrived.
  • She’s been working on the project for months, yet it’s still not finished.
  • The weather is bad, yet they’re still going hiking.

5 Examples of Conjunctions in Sentences