120+ Other Ways to Say Yes To A Date Over Text

When the person you’re interested in asks you out, it can be a thrilling yet nerve-wracking experience. We all strive for the perfect words to adequately express our enthusiasm without coming off too strong. It takes the careful choice of language and timing, as well as other considerations like tone that can help make or break someone’s courage to ask again. Luckily we have put together this guide that shares various methods and ways how to say yes over text when asked out on a date!

From simple “yeses” to the more creative, Unique, and fun expressions of acceptance using emojis or compliments, we’ve got tips for saying “yes” confidently no matter what the situation may be. Keep reading for surefire advice when determining how best to respond!

Other Ways to Say Yes To A Date Over Text

1- Sounds like a date!

2- I’d love to go on a date with you!

3- I’d love to see you soon!

4- I’d love to go out with you!

5- Count me in, I’d love to go on a date with you!

6- Sounds great, let me know what day and time works for you!

7- When and where should we meet up?

8- Can’t wait to spend time with you, let’s make a date!

9- I’m excited for our upcoming date!

10- Looking forward to going out with you!

11- I can’t wait to see what the night has in store for us!

12- I’m so excited for our upcoming date!

13- Ready for the best date ever?

14- I can’t wait to go out with you!

15- This is going to be a great date night!

16- I can’t wait to see you and have a great time on our date!

17- Let’s get together and create some amazing memories!

18- I’m excited for our special evening together!

19- Can’t wait to go out with you!

20- Our date is going to be amazing!

21- Let’s get together soon for a romantic date night!

22- I can’t wait to have some one-on-one time with you!

23- So excited to go on our date!

24- Let’s get together and have an amazing date night!

25- Time to plan the perfect date night!

26- Looking forward to our special evening together!

27- Can’t wait for the most unique date ever!

28- Let’s have some fun on our date!

29- Let’s create some magical memories together!

30- Time to plan the perfect romantic getaway!

31- So excited for our upcoming date night!

32- Looking forward to getting out and having some fun together!

33- We are going to have so much fun on our date!

34- Let’s create some unforgettable memories together!

35- I’m looking forward to our date!

36- Let’s make this a special date!

37- Can’t wait to get out and have some fun on our date!

38- Let’s enjoy an amazing evening together!

39- Let’s go out and create some amazing memories together!

40- Ready for a wild night? Let’s do it!

41- Can’t wait for our date night!

42- Ready for an adventure? Let’s go on a date!

43- It’s time to go out and have some fun together!

44- Let’s get together soon and have a great date!

45- Can’t wait to spend some quality time with you!

46- Let’s create some amazing memories together on our date!

47- Ready for a romantic evening? Let’s do it!

48- I’m ready for our romantic night out!

49- Let’s have an amazing time on our date!

50- Can’t wait to get out and have some fun together!

51- I’m looking forward to a great evening with you!

52- Let’s make some unforgettable memories on our date!

53- Ready for an amazing night? Let’s do it!

54- I’m so excited to get out and spend time with you!

55- Let’s have the best date ever!

56- Looking forward to creating some amazing memories together!

57- Can’t wait to go out with you and have a great time!

58- Ready for an adventure? Let’s make it happen on our date!

59- Let’s get ready for the best date ever!

60- I’m so excited for our upcoming date night!

61- Can’t wait to have some one-on-one time with you!

62- Let’s make it a night that we’ll never forget!

63- Ready for the perfect date? Let’s do it!

64- I’m really looking forward to our date night!

65- Let’s make some magical memories together!

66- Ready for a wild night? Let’s go out and have fun!

67- Can’t wait to spend time with my favorite person, YOU!

68- Let’s have the ultimate date night together!

69- I’m so excited to get out and have some fun on our date!

70- Let’s enjoy a romantic evening together!

71- I can’t wait to see you, let’s make a date!

72- Let’s have some fun and make some great memories together!

73- Ready for some quality time together? Let’s have a date!

74- I’ve been looking forward to our date!

75- Let’s make it a night to remember!

76- Ready for the best date ever? Let’s do it!

77- I’m ready for our special night out!

Other Ways to Say Yes to a Dance 1 Other Ways to Say Yes to a Dance 2 1 Other Ways to Say Yes to a Dance 3 1

Cute ways to say Yes to a date over text

1- I’d love to!

2- Absolutely yes!

3- For sure!

4- That sounds like fun. Count me in.

5- Sure thing, when and where?

6- You betcha!

7- Sounds great, let’s do it.

8- Of course, I’d be happy to.

9- Yes, let’s make it happen!

10- You know I’m in.

11- Let’s go for it.

12- Absolutely yes, I’m there!

13- Sure thing, just tell me when and where.

14- It would be my pleasure.

15- Can’t wait, I’m totally down!

16- Let’s make it happen!

17- That sounds like a great plan.

18- You’re on, let’s do it!

19- Absolutely yes! What time?

20- Of course, I’m in!

21- Let’s make it a date.

22- Can’t wait, count me in.

23- You know I’m always down for fun!

24- Absolutely yes, let’s do it.

25- Yes please! What time?

26- Sounds like a plan to me.

27- Yes, I’d be delighted to.

28- Let’s make it happen!

29- Sure thing, what time?

30- You know I’m always game for a good time.

Cute ways to say Yes to a date over text

20 other ways to say yes to a date over text