120+ Other Ways to Say What Are You Doing

We all use the phrase ‘What Are You Doing?’ on a daily basis. But if you’re looking to spice up your conversations and make them more interesting, why not try switching things up by using one of the many alternative ways to say it?

In this blog post, we’ll be exploring some creative, fun, and unique alternatives to this mundane phrase that will help you refresh up your language and give new life to conversations with friends and family. From time-honored expressions like “What’s shakin’” or “How are you keeping?” to fun slang terms such as “Wassup?” or “Sup?”, find out which expression is right for any situation!

Other Ways to Say What Are You Doing

Here are wonderful different ways to say What are You Doing;

1- What are you up to?

2- What’s going on?

3- What have you been doing lately?

4- How’s it going?

5- What’re you getting into?

6- Doing anything interesting/fun?

7- Any exciting plans for the day/evening/weekend?

8- What kind of mischief are you getting into?

9- What have you been keeping yourself busy with?

10- Anything new and exciting happening?

11- What sort of shenanigans have you been up to lately?

12- Doing anything worth sharing about?

13- Any fun activities on the agenda?

14- What sort of wild things have you been doing lately?

15- Anything interesting happening in your life lately?

16- How are things going for you?

17- What’s new with you?

18- Any plans for today/tonight/this weekend?

19- Anything fun you’d like to tell me about?

20- What have you been up to lately?

21- Any interesting adventures recently?

22- What’s on the agenda for today/tonight/this weekend?

23- How are you passing your time these days?

24- How’ve you been spending your days lately?

25- What’re you doing these days?

26- Anything interesting happening in your life right now?

27- What kind of fun are you getting into lately?

28- Feeling productive or just having some fun lately?

29- What’re you doing for fun lately?

30- Doing anything new and exciting?

31- How’s life been going lately?

32- Any crazy/wild plans for today/tonight/this weekend?

33- What are you working on these days?

34- What kind of interesting things have you been doing lately?

35- Any new and exciting projects on the horizon?

36- Anything fun going on in your life right now?

37- What sort of fun have you been getting into lately?

38- What kind of projects are you working on lately?

39- Any cool plans/activities for today/tonight/this weekend?

40- What’re you up to these days?

41- Doing anything fun lately?

42- Any exciting plans brewing?

43- Anything new and cool happening in your life right now?

44- What’re you doing with yourself these days?

45- How have you been spending your days recently?

46- What’ve you been getting yourself into lately?

47- Anything interesting happening in your life at the moment?

48- Any interesting projects coming up soon?

49- What’re you getting up to lately?

50- How are things going for you these days?

51- How have things been going for you lately?

52- How’ve you been spending your time these days?

53- What sort of shenanigans have you been up to recently?

54- Any crazy/wild plans for the day/evening/weekend?

55- Doing anything cool lately?

56- What are you up to these days?

57- Feeling productive or having some fun?

58- What sort of activities have you been up to lately?

59- What kind of mischief are you getting into these days?

60- Any exciting projects in the works?

61- Anything fun worth sharing about?

62- How has life been going for you recently?

63- What kind of fun have you been getting into lately?

64- Anything cool happening in your life right now?

65- Any interesting adventures on the horizon?

66- What’ve you been keeping yourself busy with recently?

67- Any new and exciting projects coming up soon?

68- How have you been spending your time lately?

69- Any plans worth sharing for today/tonight/this weekend?

70- What sort of wild things are you up to these days?

71- Feeling productive or just having some fun recently?

72- Anything interesting going on in your life right now?

73- What kind of fun are you getting into these days?

74- Doing anything new and exciting lately?

75- How’re you passing your time recently?

76- Any crazy plans in the works?

77- Anything fun going on with your life right now?

78- What sort of shenanigans have you been getting into recently?

79- Feeling productive or just having some fun these days?

80- What’re you doing that’s new and exciting lately?

81- How have things been going for you recently?

82- Any interesting plans/ideas in the works?

83- What’re you up to recently?

84- Is anything worth sharing happening lately?

85- How have you been passing your time lately?

86- Anything worth sharing happening with your life right now?

87- Doing anything fun and exciting recently?

88- What kind of activities have you been up to lately?

89- What kind of interesting things have you been doing recently?

90- Any cool plans/ideas on the horizon?

91- Is anything new and exciting going on in your life right now?

92- How has life been going for you lately?

93- What’ve you been getting up to lately?

94- Any crazy adventures coming up soon?

95- Doing anything fun and interesting lately?

96- How have you been spending your time recently?

97- Is anything fun worth sharing about lately?

98- What kind of projects are you working on these days?

99- Any exciting plans/ideas in the works?

100- What sort of mischief have you been getting into lately?

Other Ways to Say What are you Doing Other Ways to Say What are you Doing 2 Other Ways to Say What are you Doing 3

Cute Ways to Say What Are You Doing

1- Whatcha doin?

2- Up to anything interesting?

3- Anything fun planned?

4- What kind of mischief are you getting into?

5- What have you been up to lately?

6- Any cool plans today?

7- Doing anything for fun this weekend?

8- What’s on the agenda?

9- Any fun activities going on?

10- Got any big plans?

11- What kinda shenanigans are you getting into?

12- Anything worth talking about happening today?

13- What have you been keeping busy with lately?

14- Up to anything exciting?

15- Doing anything special today?

16- Anything you’d like to share?

17- Got any activities in store for the weekend?

18- What kind of stuff are you up to lately?

19- How have you been spending your time?

20- Have any fun plans coming up?

21- What’s the new scoop?

22- What are you up to these days?

23- Got any exciting plans for the weekend?

24- Doing anything fun today?

25- Have anything special on the horizon?

26- What kind of activities have you been enjoying lately?

27- Anything worth noting going on?

28- Got anything fun planned for the day?

29- What kind of adventures have you been having lately?

30- What are some of your current activities?

Cute Ways to Say What are you Doing

Fancy Ways to Say What Are You Doing

1- What befalls you?

2- What shenanigans are you up to?

3- What is occupying your time currently?

4- How art thou faring?

5- Which labor preoccupies your hours?

6- How goes it with thee?

7- What mischief have you been getting into lately?

8- How do you spend your days?

9- What is taking place in your sphere?

10- What tasks are on thy agenda?

11- What floats yonder in the purview of your attention?

12- How are you investing your energy nowadays?

13- Has life taken a new direction lately?

14- How is life treating you?

15- What do you currently occupy yourself with?

16- What activities take precedence in your day?

17- To what are thou devoting thy energies today?

18- What game is afoot at present?

19- In what ways are you presently engaging?

20- What do you have going on at this time?

21- How are you utilizing your moments now?

22- To what business are you tending to?

23- Are there projects currently consuming your attention?

24- What have you got going on right now?

25- What occupies your thoughts in this moment?

26- Are there errands that need running today?

27- How goes your day thus far?

28- What are you up to this fine afternoon?

29- Are there any duties that require your attention now?

30- How have you been spending your time lately?

Fancy Ways to Say What are you Doing

20 other ways to say what are you doing