15 Examples of Proper Nouns in Sentences

15 Examples of Proper Nouns in Sentences15 Examples of Proper Nouns in Sentences

  1. Simon consistently outplays me in tennis.
  2. Toyota will produce diesel engines in the United Kingdom.
  3. Wimbledon is a pilgrimage for all tennis fans.
  4. Simon poured water into the bucket.
  5. This year’s top seed at Wimbledon was Venus Williams.
  6. Jim and I are about to tie the knot.
  7. In Paris, there is a botanical garden.
  8. Maria, you are stunning.
  9. The flavor of white poppy seeds is distinctively nutty.
  10. He had been invited to a seminar in Paris.
  11. By Monday, all applications must be submitted.
  12. Simon and I are no longer in contact.
  13. China has never sent a truckload of goods to the world’s superpowers.
  14. Currently, the orchestra is on tour in Germany.
  15. There are 31 letters in the modern Russian alphabet.