10 Rose names with pictures, Roses Name list

There are many beautiful rose names, but some are more unique than others. Here are 10 of the most beautiful and unique rose names, with pictures to match.

Rose Names List

  1. Samourai Rose
  2. Red Rose
  3. Damask
  4. Bourbon
  5. Amalia
  6. Kashmir Rose
  7. Alba
  8. Gallica
  9. George Vancouver
  10. Tamingo Follies

10 Rose names with pictures

Rose names with pictures

Samourai Rose

Samourai Rose 10 Rose names with pictures

Samourai” means “thief of the wind”, and rose is used to describe the flowers because they bloom when no one else can see them.

Red Rose

Red Rose 10 Red Flowers names with Pictures

Red roses are pale pink, red roses are red. The other way to describe this is that a red rose is a pale pink rose.


Damask 10 Rose names with pictures

Damask roses can be pale yellow or orange.


Bourbon 10 Rose names with pictures

Bourbon roses are light pink, and they’re named after the French province where the wine is made.


Amalia 10 Rose names with pictures

Amalia is a white rose, and it’s named after a character from the book “Titanic”.

Kashmir Rose

Kashmir Rose 10 Rose names with pictures

Kashmir is a dark red rose, and it’s named after the region of India where it is grown.


Alba 10 Rose names with pictures

Alba roses are white. Alba is the Latin name for “white”, so there’s a lot of white roses in the world.


Gallica 10 Rose names with pictures

Gallica roses are pale pink, and they’re named after the French province where the wine is made.

George Vancouver

George Vancouver 10 Rose names with pictures

This rose is a pale pink. It’s named after the famous Englishman who was responsible for naming many things, including Vancouver Island in Canada.

Tamingo Follies

Tamingo Follies 10 Rose names with pictures

Tamingo Follies is a very pale pink rose. It’s named after the Taminga Group, which owns this smallest vineyard in the world.