20 Examples of Prepositions of Manner

Prepositions of manner are an essential part of any language and help to express how an action is performed. They help to give detail and context to a sentence, making it much easier for readers to understand. This article will provide 10 examples of prepositions of manner so that readers can better understand how they work. Each example will include a definition, an example sentence, and an explanation of how the preposition manner works in the sentence.

Related: 5 Examples of Prepositions of Manner

What is a Preposition of Manner?

A preposition of manner is a type of preposition that describes how something is done or how an action is performed. It is used to show the relationship between the verb and the object of the preposition.

Examples of prepositions of manner include words such as “with,” “by,” “in,” “like,” and “as.”

For example, in the sentence “She walked in a hurried manner,” the preposition “in” indicates the manner in which the action of walking was performed. In the sentence “He wrote the letter with great care,” the preposition “with” indicates the manner in which the action of writing was performed.

Prepositions of manner are often used to add detail and specificity to a sentence, and they can help to create a more vivid and descriptive image in the reader’s mind.

10 Examples of Prepositions of Manner

  1. He danced like a professional.
  2. She sang with great passion.
  3. They drove cautiously on the icy roads.
  4. He walked in a carefree manner.
  5. She cooked the meal with precision.
  6. The athlete ran with incredible speed.
  7. He typed the report in a hurried manner.
  8. The artist painted the portrait with great attention to detail.
  9. She spoke softly to avoid waking the baby.
  10. The actor delivered the lines with perfect timing.

Prepositions of Manner (Meanings and Example Sentences)

1. Like:

This preposition is used to describe the similarity or resemblance between two things or actions.

Example: She sings like a bird.

Explanation: This sentence suggests that the way she sings is similar to the way a bird sings.

2. In:

This preposition is used to describe how something is done in a particular manner.

Example: She spoke in a soft voice.

Explanation: This sentence suggests that the way she spoke was gentle and not loud.

3. With:

This preposition is used to describe how something is done with a particular object.

Example: He writes with a pen.

Explanation: This sentence suggests that the way he writes is by using a pen.

4. By:

This preposition is used to describe how something is done by a particular method.

Example: She learned by doing.

Explanation: This sentence suggests that the way she learned was by actually doing it.

5. Through:

This preposition is used to describe how something is done by going through a particular process.

Example: She succeeded through hard work.

Explanation: This sentence suggests that the way she succeeded was by working hard.

6. In the manner of:

This preposition is used to describe how something is done in a particular style.

Example: He painted in the manner of Picasso.

Explanation: This sentence suggests that the way he painted was in the style of Picasso.

7. With the help of:

This preposition is used to describe how something is done with assistance.

Example: He climbed the mountain with the help of a guide.

Explanation: This sentence suggests that the way he climbed the mountain was with the assistance of a guide.

8. In accordance with:

This preposition is used to describe how something is done according to a particular rule or standard.

Example: She acted in accordance with company policy.

Explanation: This sentence suggests that the way she acted was following the rules or policies of the company.

9. In the style of:

This preposition is used to describe how something is done in a particular artistic style.

Example: She dressed in the style of the 1920s.

Explanation: This sentence suggests that the way she dressed was in the style of the 1920s.

10. Like a:

This preposition is used to describe how something is done similarly to a particular thing.

Example: He ran like a cheetah.

Explanation: This sentence suggests that the way he ran was similar to how a cheetah runs.

10 Examples of Prepositions of Manner