10 Examples of Irregular Verbs in Sentences

10 Examples of Irregular Verbs in Sentences!

Related: 100 Examples of Irregular Verbs

10 Examples of Irregular Verbs in Sentences

10 Examples of Irregular Verbs

  Present Past Tense Past Participle
1. Become  Became  Become
2. Bleed  Bled  Bled
3. Cast  Cast  Cast
4. Creep  Crept  Crept
5. Drive  Drove  Driven
6. Give  Gave  Given
7. Sell  Sold  Sold
8. Sew  Sewed  Sewn
9. Shrink  Shrank  Shrunk
10. Slide  Slid  Slid

10 Examples of Irregular Verbs in Sentences


  • Present tense: I break the vase.
  • Past tense: I broke the vase.
  • Past participle: I have broken the vase.


  • Present tense: I eat breakfast every morning.
  • Past tense: I ate breakfast earlier.
  • Past participle: I have eaten breakfast today.


  • Present tense: I go to the gym three times a week.
  • Past tense: I went to the gym yesterday.
  • Past participle: I have gone to the gym often.
  • run
  • Present tense: I run every day.
  • Past tense: I ran yesterday.
  • Past participle: I have run for miles before.


  • Present tense: I see my friend every week.
  • Past tense: I saw my friend yesterday.
  • Past participle: I have seen my friend often.


  • Present tense: I take vitamins every day.
  • Past tense: I took vitamins yesterday.
  • Past participle: I have taken vitamins regularly.


  • Present tense: I write in my journal every day.
  • Past tense: I wrote in my journal yesterday.
  • Past participle: I have written in my journal often.


  • Present tense: I swim at the beach in the summer.
  • Past tense: I swam in the ocean yesterday.
  • Past participle: I have swum in many different bodies of water.


  • Present tense: I speak Spanish fluently.
  • Past tense: I spoke to my boss yesterday.
  • Past participle: I have spoken with many people from different countries.


Present tense: I take the bus to work.

Past tense: I took the bus yesterday.

Past participle: I have taken the bus many times.