Learning new words can be a fun adventure, like finding treasures hidden away! Today’s treasure map leads us to words that sound like “three.” Imagine you’re on a playful journey, where each word is a stepping stone to building your magical castle of language. Whether you’re just starting to explore the vast kingdom of English or looking to add more sparkling jewels to your crown of knowledge, this lesson is your golden key!
Three Rhyme Words
Here is the list of words that rhyme with Three:
- Bee: A buzzing, flying insect that makes honey.
- Key: Used to open locks.
- Sea: The big, salty blue water that covers most of our planet.
- Tea: A drink made by steeping dried leaves in hot water.
- Knee: The part of your leg that bends.
- Tree: A tall plant with a trunk, branches, and leaves.
- Free: When something costs nothing or someone is not trapped.
- Me: Used to refer to yourself.
- She: Used to talk about a girl or woman.
- He: Used to talk about a boy or man.
Words that Rhyme with Three
Agree |
Decree |
Degree |
Eternity |
Flee |
Glee |
Guarantee |
Jubilee |
Marquee |
Plead |
Refugee |
Spree |
Squeegee |
Tee |
Vee |
Wee |
Zee |
Algae |
Apogee |
Bumblebee |
Cherokee |
Degree |
Employee |
Frisbee |
Guarantee |
Honeybee |
Jamboree |
Key |
Lessee |
Marquee |
One Syllable Rhymes of Three
Brie |
Fee |
Flea |
Glee |
Key |
Knee |
Lee |
Pea |
Ski |
Tea |
Tree |
Vee |
We |
Zee |
Free |
Sea |
She |
Be |
Me |
He |
Two Syllable Rhymes of Three
Agree |
Decree |
Degree |
Esprit |
Fleece |
Geez |
Marie |
McGee |
PC |
Plead |
Puree |
Quay |
Replay |
Rosé |
Soiree |
Toupee |
Trustee |
Unsee |
Yippee |
Ziti |
Three Syllable Rhymes of Three
Guarantee |
Jubilee |
Referee |
Jamboree |
Pedigree |
Nominee |
Oversea |
Spree |
Disagree |
Decree |
Detainee |
Debris |
Attendee |
Escapee |
Referee |
Guarantee |
Detainee |
Employee |
Absentee |
Apogee |
Three Rhyme Words With Meanings
- Agree: To have the same opinion.
- Decree: An official order.
- Degree: A unit for measuring angles or temperature.
- Eternity: Time without end.
- Flee: To run away quickly.
- Glee: Great delight.
- Guarantee: A promise or assurance.
- Jubilee: A celebration of an anniversary.
- Marquee: A large tent or sign.
- Plead: To make an urgent request.
- Refugee: Someone who flees to safety.
- Spree: A period of unrestrained activity.
- Squeegee: A tool for wiping surfaces.
- Tee: The starting point in golf.
- Vee: A shape like the letter V.
- Wee: Very small.
- Zee: The letter Z.
- Algae: Simple nonflowering aquatic plants.
- Apogee: The highest point.
- Bumblebee: A large, hairy bee.
- Cherokee: A member of a Native American people.
- Degree: A qualification awarded by a university.
- Employee: A person employed for wages.
- Frisbee: A plastic disc for throwing.
- Guarantee: Assurance for the fulfillment of a condition.
- Honeybee: A bee that produces honey.
- Jamboree: A large celebration or party.
- Key: An instrument for opening locks.
- Lessee: A person who holds a lease.
- Marquee: A large tent for outdoor entertainment.