20 Best Similes for Burnt (With Meanings & Examples)

The word ‘burnt’ brings to mind images of transformation, intensity, and a certain depth of character. It’s a term that can evoke a range of emotions and sensations. Here are 20 similes to vividly describe something as ‘burnt’.

Similes for Burnt

As Burnt as Charcoal Embers

Meaning: Deep black with a hint of burning

Example: The toast was as burnt as charcoal embers, crisp and dark.

As Burnt as a Sunset Sky

Meaning: Fiery orange and red

Example: The evening sky was as burnt as a sunset sky, with streaks of orange and red.

As Burnt as Scorched Earth

Meaning: Deeply damaged, darkened

Example: The fields were as burnt as scorched earth after the long, dry summer.

As Burnt as a S’more Marshmallow

Meaning: Toasted to a crisp

Example: The campfire treat was as burnt as a s’more marshmallow, crispy on the outside.

As Burnt as a Welder’s Flame

Meaning: Intensely hot, bright

Example: His passion for the project was as burnt as a welder’s flame, strong and unwavering.

As Burnt as a Desert Mirage

Meaning: Illusory, shimmering with heat

Example: The road ahead looked as burnt as a desert mirage, wavering in the heat.

As Burnt as a Cigarette End

Meaning: Consumed, ash-like

Example: His patience was as burnt as a cigarette end, worn down to the nub.

As Burnt as a Molten Lava

Meaning: Flowing, red-hot

Example: Her anger was as burnt as molten lava, unstoppable and fiery.

As Burnt as an Old Candlewick

Meaning: Used, blackened

Example: The lamp’s light was as burnt as an old candlewick, dim and flickering.

As Burnt as a Forgotten Pizza

Meaning: Overcooked, blackened

Example: The dinner in the oven was as burnt as a forgotten pizza, charred and unrecognizable.

As Burnt as a Barbecue Grill

Meaning: Covered in charred remains

Example: His memories of the place were as burnt as a barbecue grill, marked and altered.

As Burnt as a Firefighter’s Coat

Meaning: Exposed to flame, resilient

Example: His experience in the field was as burnt as a firefighter’s coat, tested and tough.

As Burnt as a Sunbather’s Skin

Meaning: Overexposed, reddened

Example: Her back was as burnt as a sunbather’s skin after a day at the beach.

As Burnt as a Heatwave

Meaning: Intensely hot, oppressive

Example: The summer’s heat was as burnt as a heatwave, relentless and scorching.

As Burnt as a Volcano’s Core

Meaning: Incandescent, molten

Example: His fury was as burnt as a volcano’s core, hot and explosive.

As Burnt as Toasted Bread

Meaning: Browned, crisp

Example: The morning aroma was as burnt as toasted bread, warm and familiar.

As Burnt as an Old Map’s Edges

Meaning: Browned, aged

Example: The document was as burnt as an old map’s edges, tinged with time.

As Burnt as a Flame’s Tip

Meaning: Bright, intense

Example: Her determination was as burnt as a flame’s tip, focused and fierce.

As Burnt as a Phoenix’s Rebirth

Meaning: Transformational, powerful

Example: The changes in him were as burnt as a phoenix’s rebirth, dramatic and renewing.

As Burnt as an Overused Metaphor

Meaning: Common, somewhat stale

Example: His excuses were as burnt as an overused metaphor, tired and overplayed.


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