20 Best Similes for Blind (With Meanings & Examples)

Blindness, often used metaphorically, conveys more than the absence of sight. It’s a canvas for understanding, empathy, and sometimes, the unseen aspects of life. In this collection, we explore 20 similes that delve into the varied dimensions of being blind, each a lens to see the unseen.

Similes for Blind

1. As Blind as a Windowless Room

Meaning: Completely devoid of sight

Example: He navigated his new surroundings as blind as a windowless room, relying solely on his other senses.

2. Blind like a Midnight Sky

Meaning: Deeply and utterly without light

Example: In her confusion, she felt blind like a midnight sky, unable to find direction.

3. As Blind as a Buried Treasure

Meaning: Hidden and undiscovered

Example: His talents remained as blind as a buried treasure, unseen by the world.

4. Blind like a Story Without Words

Meaning: Lacking clarity or understanding

Example: The cryptic painting was blind like a story without words, its meaning elusive.

5. As Blind as an Underground Cave

Meaning: Shrouded in total darkness

Example: Lost in thought, he was as blind as an underground cave, unaware of his surroundings.

6. Blind like a Storm-Clouded Night

Meaning: Obscured and unclear

Example: Her judgment was blind like a storm-clouded night, clouded by emotions.

7. As Blind as a Forgotten Dream

Meaning: Vague and unremembered

Example: The old legend was as blind as a forgotten dream, barely recalled.

8. Blind like a Fog-Enshrouded Path

Meaning: Uncertain and obscured

Example: The future seemed blind like a fog-enshrouded path, uncertain and unclear.

9. As Blind as an Unlit Lantern

Meaning: Without guidance or illumination

Example: He wandered through life as blind as an unlit lantern, seeking direction.

10. Blind like a Sealed Envelope

Meaning: Unknown and unexplored

Example: The mystery was blind like a sealed envelope, its contents a mystery.

11. As Blind as a Moonless Night

Meaning: Dark and without guidance

Example: In his ignorance, he was as blind as a moonless night, lacking awareness.

12. Blind like an Uncharted Sea

Meaning: Vast and unexplored

Example: Her mind was blind like an uncharted sea, full of undiscovered thoughts.

13. As Blind as a Wall without Doors

Meaning: Impenetrable and closed off

Example: The bureaucracy was as blind as a wall without doors, inaccessible and rigid.

14. Blind like a Song Without Notes

Meaning: Lacking substance or form

Example: The conversation was blind like a song without notes, empty and meaningless.

15. As Blind as a Nestling Bird

Meaning: Innocent and unaware

Example: The young student was as blind as a nestling bird, naive to the world’s ways.

16. Blind like a Veiled Sky

Meaning: Covered and hidden

Example: Her true intentions were blind like a veiled sky, concealed from view.

17. As Blind as an Echo in a Canyon

Meaning: Reflective but not original

Example: His ideas were as blind as an echo in a canyon, lacking originality.

18. Blind like a Lantern in the Fog

Meaning: Present but ineffective

Example: His efforts were blind like a lantern in the fog, barely making an impact.

19. As Blind as a Map without Names

Meaning: Lacking detail and direction

Example: Their plan was as blind as a map without names, vague and directionless.

20. Blind like a Sunken Ship

Meaning: Lost and forgotten

Example: The ancient culture was blind like a sunken ship, hidden beneath the waves of time.


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