Shell Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Idioms are phrases that have a meaning different from the words in them. Today, we’re looking at idioms that use the word “shell.” These phrases are fun and can spice up your conversations!

Shell Idioms

Here are 20 shell idioms in English with meaning and example sentences for each.

1. Come out of your shell

Meaning: Become more outgoing

Example: He really came out of his shell at the party.

2. Shell out

Meaning: Spend money, usually unwillingly

Example: I had to shell out a lot for that repair.

3. Shell shocked

Meaning: Extremely shocked or disturbed

Example: The news left him completely shell shocked.

4. Tough nut to shell

Meaning: Difficult problem to solve

Example: This puzzle is a tough nut to shell.

5. Shut up like a clam

Meaning: Refuse to talk or respond

Example: She shut up like a clam when questioned.

6. Like a turtle without a shell

Meaning: Feeling very vulnerable

Example: I felt like a turtle without a shell at school today.

7. Walk on eggshells

Meaning: Be extremely cautious

Example: I’m walking on eggshells around him today.

8. Shell game

Meaning: A deceptive maneuver

Example: It felt like a shell game at the dealership.

9. Crack someone’s shell

Meaning: Break through someone’s outer defense

Example: It’s hard to crack his shell.

10. In a nutshell

Meaning: Summarized briefly

Example: So, in a nutshell, that’s the story.

11. Shell of oneself

Meaning: A weaker version of oneself

Example: He’s a shell of himself after the illness.

12. Under one’s shell

Meaning: Hidden emotionally

Example: He keeps his feelings under his shell.

13. Break the shell

Meaning: Overcome initial barriers

Example: You need to break the shell to succeed.

14. Soft-shell

Meaning: Easily hurt or sensitive

Example: He’s a bit soft-shell about feedback.

15. Hard shell to crack

Meaning: Difficult to understand or know

Example: She’s a hard shell to crack.

16. Shell of the former self

Meaning: Greatly diminished or reduced

Example: The building is a shell of its former self.

17. Without a shell

Meaning: Without protection or defense

Example: You’re out there without a shell.

18. Lose one’s shell

Meaning: Become less defensive

Example: It’s good to see him lose his shell.

19. Into one’s shell

Meaning: Retreat into oneself

Example: She went into her shell after the argument.

20. No shell thick enough

Meaning: Unable to protect oneself adequately

Example: There’s no shell thick enough for that criticism.

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