Sheep Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

This post is all about sheep! Not the animals themselves, but phrases, called idioms, that use the word “sheep.” These expressions make talking and writing more colorful and fun.

Sheep Idioms

Here are 20 sheep idioms in English with meaning and example sentences for each.

1. Black sheep

Meaning: An odd or disreputable member of a group

Example: He’s the black sheep of the family.

2. Count sheep

Meaning: Imagine sheep to help fall asleep

Example: I count sheep every night before sleeping.

3. Follow like sheep

Meaning: Follow others blindly

Example: They just follow like sheep, never asking why.

4. Separate the sheep from the goats

Meaning: Distinguish between good and bad

Example: It’s time to separate the sheep from the goats in this competition.

5. Make sheep’s eyes at

Meaning: Look at lovingly or romantically

Example: He was making sheep’s eyes at her all evening.

6. Wolf in sheep’s clothing

Meaning: A person who pretends to be good

Example: Beware, he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

7. Sheepish grin

Meaning: Embarrassed or shy smile

Example: He gave a sheepish grin after tripping.

8. Cast sheep’s eyes

Meaning: Look amorously or coyly

Example: She cast sheep’s eyes across the room.

9. Like a lamb to the slaughter

Meaning: Unaware of impending troubles

Example: He walked into the meeting like a lamb to the slaughter.

10. Lose one’s sheep

Meaning: Become distracted or confused

Example: I totally lost my sheep during the exam.

11. Sheep of another color

Meaning: A matter or issue of a different kind

Example: That’s a sheep of another color entirely.

12. Dye one’s sheep

Meaning: Change one’s nature (sarcastically)

Example: You can’t just dye your sheep overnight!

13. One’s own sheep

Meaning: Something that is one’s own concern

Example: Mind your own sheep, please.

14. Run with the sheep

Meaning: Follow the crowd

Example: It’s easy to just run with the sheep.

15. Pull the wool over one’s eyes

Meaning: Deceive someone

Example: He tried to pull the wool over my eyes.

16. Sheep-stealer

Meaning: One who seduces another’s follower

Example: He’s known as the local sheep-stealer.

17. Lamb’s leap

Meaning: A small or short attempt

Example: Give it a lamb’s leap, at least!

18. The lost sheep

Meaning: Someone who has strayed from their path

Example: He’s been the lost sheep of our group.

19. Count one’s sheep

Meaning: Assess one’s resources

Example: It’s time to count one’s sheep before the merger.

20. As gentle as a lamb

Meaning: Very gentle

Example: She is as gentle as a lamb with her students.

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Sheep Idioms