Shadow Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome! Today we’re exploring fun phrases called idioms that use the word “shadow.” These are special sayings that might sound strange but have unique meanings. Let’s learn about them together!

Shadow Idioms

Here are 20 shadow idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Afraid of one’s shadow

Meaning: Very easily frightened
Example: She’s so nervous, she’s afraid of her own shadow.

Without a shadow of a doubt

Meaning: Absolutely certain
Example: I know without a shadow of a doubt that he’ll help.

Shadow of oneself

Meaning: A weaker version of oneself
Example: After the illness, he was a shadow of himself.

Shadow over

Meaning: To make something seem less enjoyable
Example: The scandal cast a shadow over the celebration.

In the shadow of

Meaning: Living close to and always compared to
Example: She grew up in the shadow of her famous sister.

Chase shadows

Meaning: Pursue unattainable or imaginary goals
Example: He’s just chasing shadows with those wild ideas.


Meaning: Practicing or fighting with an imaginary opponent
Example: He’s outside shadowboxing to improve his form.

Five o’clock shadow

Meaning: Stubble that appears on a man’s face later in the day
Example: By evening, he had a noticeable five o’clock shadow.

Eye shadow

Meaning: Cosmetic applied on the eyelids
Example: She applied her eye shadow carefully.

Under the shadow of

Meaning: In a position of being protected or dominated by
Example: They live under the shadow of the old castle.

Live in someone’s shadow

Meaning: Be less noticed than someone else
Example: He always felt he lived in his brother’s shadow.

Shadowed by

Meaning: Followed or accompanied closely by something
Example: The event was shadowed by controversy.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt

Meaning: With absolute certainty
Example: He proved his point beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Cast a long shadow

Meaning: Have a lasting and significant influence
Example: His legacy will cast a long shadow.

Shadow economy

Meaning: A hidden or illicit sector of the economy
Example: He worked in the shadow economy.

Shadows lengthen

Meaning: Indicating that time is passing, typically late afternoon
Example: As the shadows lengthened, the day cooled.

Jump at one’s shadow

Meaning: Be easily startled
Example: She tends to jump at her shadow.

Shadowy figure

Meaning: A person who is mysterious or not well understood
Example: A shadowy figure was seen near the docks.

Shadow of doubt

Meaning: A small, often nagging doubt
Example: There remains a shadow of doubt in my mind.

Throw a shadow

Meaning: To cause a place to become less bright with shade, metaphorically causing doubt
Example: His comments threw a shadow on the plans.

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