Safe Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our blog post about idioms! Idioms are phrases that have a special meaning different from the words in them. Today, we’ll explore 20 safe-related idioms that are easy to understand and use in everyday conversation. Let’s dive in and learn some new phrases!

Safe Idioms

Here are 20 safe-related idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Safe at home

Meaning: Secure and protected in one’s own home.

Example: After the trip, they felt safe at home.

2. Safe to say

Meaning: Confident or sure about something.

Example: It’s safe to say she aced the exam.

3. Play it safe

Meaning: To be cautious.

Example: He decided to play it safe and double-check his work.

4. Safe and sound

Meaning: Unharmed and in good health.

Example: They arrived home safe and sound.

5. Better safe than sorry

Meaning: Being cautious is better than having regrets.

Example: I’ll bring an umbrella, better safe than sorry.

6. Safety in numbers

Meaning: Being part of a group makes you less likely to be harmed.

Example: They hiked together for safety in numbers.

7. Safe bet

Meaning: Something that is certain to happen.

Example: Choosing her as the team leader is a safe bet.

8. Safe haven

Meaning: A place of refuge or security.

Example: The library was his safe haven from the chaos at home.

9. As safe as houses

Meaning: Very safe, secure.

Example: With the new alarm system, our home is as safe as houses.

10. In safe hands

Meaning: Being taken care of very well.

Example: Your secret is in safe hands with me.

11. Play safe

Meaning: To avoid risks.

Example: It’s best to play safe and go with the proven method.

12. Safe passage

Meaning: A route or journey that is free from harm.

Example: The escort guaranteed their safe passage through the forest.

13. Keep it safe

Meaning: To protect something from harm.

Example: Keep it safe; it’s very valuable.

14. Safe pair of hands

Meaning: A person who is reliable and trustworthy.

Example: We need a safe pair of hands to manage these funds.

15. A safe place

Meaning: A secure and safe location.

Example: Find a safe place to store your documents.

16. Safe harbor

Meaning: A place of refuge or safety.

Example: The small cove was a safe harbor during the storm.

17. Safe bet

Meaning: A decision or choice that is likely to be correct or beneficial.

Example: Investing in health is always a safe bet.

18. Safe as the Bank of England

Meaning: Extremely secure.

Example: His investment was as safe as the Bank of England.

19. Safe from harm

Meaning: Protected from danger.

Example: The fortress kept them safe from harm.

20. Safe driving

Meaning: The practice of operating a vehicle in a way that avoids accidents.

Example: He practices safe driving at all times.

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