Rose Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Roses aren’t just beautiful flowers; they also inspire phrases called idioms. These are special expressions where the words have a different meaning when put together. This post will share some common rose-related idioms, explain what they mean, and show how to use them in a sentence.

Rose Idioms

Here are 20 rose idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Coming up roses

Meaning: Everything is going well.
Example: After many challenges, everything is coming up roses for her.

Rose-colored glasses

Meaning: An overly optimistic view.
Example: He sees life through rose-colored glasses.

A rose by any other name

Meaning: The name of something doesn’t affect what it really is.
Example: A luxury car, a rose by any other name, is still expensive.

Bed of roses

Meaning: A very comfortable situation.
Example: Retirement for him is like a bed of roses.

Every rose has its thorn

Meaning: Every good thing has a downside.
Example: Remember, every rose has its thorn.

Rose-tinted view

Meaning: Unrealistically optimistic perspective.
Example: Her rose-tinted view on life is refreshing.

Roses all the way

Meaning: Everything goes smoothly.
Example: It was roses all the way at her wedding.

No rose without a prick

Meaning: Nothing good comes without difficulties.
Example: Well, there’s no rose without a prick.


Meaning: Done in secret.
Example: The deal was made sub-rosa.

Under the rose

Meaning: To keep something confidential.
Example: They spoke under the rose about the surprise party.

A rose in December

Meaning: Something unusual or unexpected.
Example: His help was like a rose in December.

Life is not a bed of roses

Meaning: Life is not always easy or pleasant.
Example: As they say, life is not a bed of roses.

To prick oneself with a rose

Meaning: To suffer from a careless mistake.
Example: He really pricked himself with a rose on that deal.

To smell the roses

Meaning: To relax; to take time to enjoy.
Example: Sometimes you need to stop and smell the roses.

Rose garden promise

Meaning: Unrealistic assurances.
Example: His plans were just a rose garden promise.

Wild rose

Meaning: Something naturally beautiful.
Example: Her style is like a wild rose, effortless and beautiful.

Late bloomer, like a rose

Meaning: Someone who becomes successful later.
Example: She’s a late bloomer, like a rose.

In a rose fog

Meaning: Confused or unable to see clearly.
Example: He’s been in a rose fog since the news broke.

Rose of the winds

Meaning: Compass; indicating direction.
Example: He followed his own rose of the winds.

The rose and the thorn

Meaning: Both the good and bad aspects.
Example: Marriage is both the rose and the thorn.

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