Road Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

This post is all about fun phrases called idioms that use the word “road” to mean different things. They make language colorful and interesting. Let’s learn some!

Road Idioms

Here are 20 road idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Hit the Road

Meaning: To start traveling.

Example: We need to hit the road early tomorrow.

Road Rage

Meaning: Anger while driving.

Example: He experienced road rage in the traffic.

One for the Road

Meaning: A final drink before leaving.

Example: Let’s have one for the road before we go.

Road to Nowhere

Meaning: A useless effort.

Example: That plan is a road to nowhere.

Cross That Bridge When You Come to It

Meaning: Deal with a problem later.

Example: We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Down the Road

Meaning: In the future.

Example: We might move cities down the road.

End of the Road

Meaning: The final point of something.

Example: It’s the end of the road for their project.

Rocky Road

Meaning: Difficult progress.

Example: They faced a rocky road in development.

Take the High Road

Meaning: Choose a noble path.

Example: He decided to take the high road during the argument.

Middle of the Road

Meaning: Average, not extreme.

Example: Their new song is very middle of the road.

Road Less Traveled

Meaning: An unconventional choice.

Example: She took the road less traveled in her career.

Road Warrior

Meaning: Frequent traveler.

Example: He’s a real road warrior for work.

Road Map

Meaning: A plan or strategy.

Example: They outlined a road map for the project.

Fork in the Road

Meaning: A decision point.

Example: We’re at a fork in the road with these options.

Smooth Sailing

Meaning: Easy progress.

Example: After fixing the bug, it was smooth sailing.

On the Road

Meaning: Traveling.

Example: They are currently on the road to Florida.

Road Hog

Meaning: Someone who drives selfishly.

Example: That driver is a real road hog.


Meaning: An obstacle.

Example: We hit a roadblock in our discussions.

Fast Track

Meaning: Quick development.

Example: This method will put us on the fast track.

Roadside Assistance

Meaning: Help for drivers in need.

Example: They called for roadside assistance after the breakdown.

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