Ring Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun world of expressions! Today, we’re exploring special phrases called idioms that use the word “ring.” You’ll see how we use these phrases in everyday language with meanings and examples just for you!

Ring Idioms

Here are 20 ring idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Ring a bell

Meaning: Sounds familiar
Example: Does that song ring a bell?

Run rings around

Meaning: To be much better than
Example: She can run rings around anyone at chess.

Ring of truth

Meaning: Seems true
Example: His story has a ring of truth to it.

Throw one’s hat in the ring

Meaning: To show willingness to participate
Example: He threw his hat in the ring for the election.

Have a ring to it

Meaning: Sounds appealing or right
Example: “Best Summer Ever” really has a ring to it.

Ring the changes

Meaning: Do things differently
Example: Let’s ring the changes in our routine.

Ring up

Meaning: To call on the telephone
Example: I will ring up my mom tonight.

Alarm bells ring

Meaning: To sense danger
Example: Alarm bells ring when he’s around.

Ring hollow

Meaning: Not sound truthful or sincere
Example: Her apologies ring hollow.

Ring out

Meaning: To sound loudly
Example: The bells ring out at noon.

Ring in

Meaning: To celebrate or introduce
Example: We ring in the new year with fireworks.

Ring off

Meaning: To end a phone call
Example: I have to ring off now, sorry.

Ring the alarm

Meaning: Alert to danger
Example: He had to ring the alarm during the fire.


Meaning: Separate financially for protection
Example: We need to ring-fence the funds for the project.

Ring down the curtain

Meaning: Bring an end to
Example: It’s time to ring down the curtain on this event.

Ring leader

Meaning: Leader of a group, usually negative
Example: He is known as the ring leader of the gang.

Ring back

Meaning: To return a phone call
Example: Can you ring back later?

Death knell

Meaning: An omen of failure or end
Example: This law could be the death knell for our business.

Ring the bell

Meaning: Achieve exactly what is needed
Example: Your presentation really rang the bell!

Wedding ring

Meaning: A symbol of marriage
Example: She showed off her new wedding ring.

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