Rich Idiom (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun guide on idioms! An idiom is a phrase that doesn’t exactly mean what the words say. It’s like a little secret code that people use when they talk!

Rich Idioms

Here are 20 rich idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Worth its weight in gold

Meaning: Extremely valuable or useful

Example: This old book is worth its weight in gold.

Born with a silver spoon

Meaning: Born into a wealthy family

Example: He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Strike gold

Meaning: Find success or wealth unexpectedly

Example: She struck gold with her new business.

Money doesn’t grow on trees

Meaning: Money isn’t easily acquired

Example: Remember, money doesn’t grow on trees.

As good as gold

Meaning: Very well behaved or obedient

Example: The puppy was as good as gold.

Golden opportunity

Meaning: An excellent chance

Example: This job is a golden opportunity for me.

On a silver platter

Meaning: Given with very little effort

Example: Success isn’t served on a silver platter.

Gold digger

Meaning: Someone who forms relationships for money

Example: She’s not a gold digger; she truly loves him.

Silver lining

Meaning: Positive aspect in a bad situation

Example: There’s always a silver lining to every cloud.

Pay dirt

Meaning: Profitable discovery or success

Example: His research hit pay dirt.

Golden handshake

Meaning: A large payment to leave a company

Example: He received a golden handshake upon retiring.

Golden rule

Meaning: Treat others as you want to be treated

Example: Always follow the golden rule.

Golden years

Meaning: The time of retirement

Example: They’re enjoying their golden years traveling.

Worth a pretty penny

Meaning: Very expensive

Example: That vase is worth a pretty penny.

To coin a phrase

Meaning: Use a cliché or familiar term

Example: To coin a phrase, it’s raining cats and dogs!

Nickel and dimed

Meaning: Small expenses adding up

Example: We were nickel and dimed at that hotel.

Gold standard

Meaning: The best of its kind

Example: This product is the gold standard in skincare.

Penny for your thoughts

Meaning: A way of asking what someone is thinking

Example: A penny for your thoughts?

Golden boy

Meaning: A favored person

Example: He’s the team’s golden boy.

Silver fox

Meaning: An attractive older man with gray hair

Example: He’s quite the silver fox.

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