Restaurant Idiom (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun guide on restaurant idioms! Idioms are phrases that don’t mean what the words say but have a different meaning understood by everyone. They make talking fun and interesting!

Restaurant Idioms

Here are 20 restaurant idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Just desserts

Meaning: Get what one deserves
Example: He finally got his just desserts after cheating.

In the soup

Meaning: In trouble or difficulty
Example: After lying, he was really in the soup.

Spill the beans

Meaning: Reveal secret information unintentionally
Example: He accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise party.

Full plate

Meaning: Very busy
Example: She has a full plate with the new project.

Take with a grain of salt

Meaning: Consider something skeptically
Example: Take his advice with a grain of salt.

Eat crow

Meaning: Admit fault or be humiliated
Example: He had to eat crow after his mistake.

Bring home the bacon

Meaning: Earn money for a family
Example: He works hard to bring home the bacon.

Have one’s cake and eat it too

Meaning: Want more than is reasonable
Example: She wants to have her cake and eat it too.

Chew the fat

Meaning: Chat in a friendly way
Example: We sat around chewing the fat for hours.

Out to lunch

Meaning: Not paying attention or out of touch
Example: He seems a bit out to lunch today.

Cream of the crop

Meaning: The best of all
Example: These apples are the cream of the crop.

Bite the bullet

Meaning: Endure a painful experience
Example: He had to bite the bullet and apologize.

Half-baked idea

Meaning: Poorly thought-out plan
Example: That’s just another half-baked idea of his.

Hard nut to crack

Meaning: Difficult problem to solve
Example: This puzzle is a hard nut to crack.

Sell like hot cakes

Meaning: Sell quickly or in large quantities
Example: Her new book is selling like hot cakes.

Eat one’s words

Meaning: Retract what one has said
Example: He had to eat his words after being proven wrong.

Soup to nuts

Meaning: From beginning to end
Example: The play was entertaining from soup to nuts.

Butter someone up

Meaning: Flatter someone to gain favor
Example: He’s just trying to butter her up for help.

Put all your eggs in one basket

Meaning: Risk everything on one thing
Example: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Cool as a cucumber

Meaning: Very calm under pressure
Example: She was as cool as a cucumber during the meeting.

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