Religious Idiom (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our blog! Today, we’re learning about phrases called idioms. Idioms are fun sayings that don’t mean exactly what the words say. They are like little word puzzles that you can use to make your speaking and writing interesting!

Religious Idioms

Here are 20 religious idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

The promised land

Meaning: A place of great happiness.

Example: He finally reached the promised land of retirement.

Leap of faith

Meaning: A decision made without evidence.

Example: She took a leap of faith and started her business.

An eye for an eye

Meaning: Revenge that is similar to the original wrong.

Example: He believes in an eye for an eye.

Turn the other cheek

Meaning: To respond to aggression without violence.

Example: He always tries to turn the other cheek in arguments.

Good Samaritan

Meaning: Someone who helps others.

Example: She was a Good Samaritan during the flood.

The gospel truth

Meaning: Absolute truth.

Example: He spoke the gospel truth about the incident.

To cast the first stone

Meaning: To be the first to criticize.

Example: Nobody dared to cast the first stone.

Wash one’s hands of

Meaning: To refuse responsibility.

Example: She washed her hands of the whole affair.

Move mountains

Meaning: Achieve the seemingly impossible.

Example: Her determination can move mountains.


Meaning: A catastrophic conflict.

Example: The legal battle was like Armageddon.

A man of the cloth

Meaning: A clergyman.

Example: He’s known as a man of the cloth in his community.


Meaning: Acting morally superior.

Example: He has a holier-than-thou attitude.

The patience of Job

Meaning: Exceptional patience.

Example: She has the patience of Job with her students.

Judas kiss

Meaning: A betrayal disguised as friendship.

Example: His support was nothing but a Judas kiss.

Manna from heaven

Meaning: Unexpected aid or comfort.

Example: The sudden donation was like manna from heaven.

No rest for the wicked

Meaning: Wrongdoers are always busy.

Example: There’s no rest for the wicked in his line of work.

Worship the ground someone walks on

Meaning: Adore someone greatly.

Example: She worships the ground he walks on.


Meaning: Someone made to bear the blame for others.

Example: He was made a scapegoat for the failure.

Sell your soul

Meaning: Do anything, even unethical, for gain.

Example: He would sell his soul for a bit of fame.

Promised land

Meaning: A longed-for place where everything is perfect.

Example: They saw America as their promised land.

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