Welcome to our blog post about presents idioms! Idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say, but they tell us something special in a fun way. Today, we’re going to learn about different sayings that use the word “presents.”
Presents Idioms
Here are 20 presents idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.
Gift of the gab
Meaning: Talent for speaking
Example: She won the debate with her gift of the gab.
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
Meaning: Don’t question a gift’s value
Example: He accepted the car happily and didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
Give the gift of gab
Meaning: Enable someone to speak well
Example: The speech class gave him the gift of gab.
Meaning: Easily or well prepared
Example: The project was gift-wrapped for success.
Bear gifts
Meaning: Bring offerings or presents
Example: They came to the party and bore gifts.
Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth
Meaning: Born into a rich family
Example: He was always wealthy, born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
To have a gift
Meaning: To have a natural ability
Example: She has a gift for painting.
Gift of the magi
Meaning: An ironic turn of mutual giving
Example: Their anniversary was like the gift of the magi.
Come bearing gifts
Meaning: Arrive with presents
Example: He came bearing gifts for everyone.
Wrapped up in something
Meaning: Fully involved in something
Example: She was wrapped up in her research.
The greatest gift
Meaning: The best thing one can receive
Example: His apology was the greatest gift she received.
Meaning: Used item passed to another
Example: These jeans are a hand-me-down from my brother.
Wrap your head around something
Meaning: Understand something complex
Example: It’s hard to wrap your head around quantum physics.
Gift horse
Meaning: An opportunity or offer
Example: Don’t ignore this gift horse; it’s a great chance.
Present arms
Meaning: Military salute with a rifle
Example: The soldiers presented arms during the parade.
Present company excepted
Meaning: Excluding the people here now
Example: All are bad drivers, present company excepted.
A gift to remember
Meaning: A memorable present
Example: The concert tickets were a gift to remember.
Without gift
Meaning: Without natural abilities
Example: He is intelligent but without gift in arts.
Gift of time
Meaning: Giving someone your time
Example: She gave her parents the gift of time by visiting.
No strings attached
Meaning: A gift without conditions
Example: He offered help no strings attached.
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Poems to Ask for Money Instead Of Gifts for Birthday