Poker Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Poker isn’t just a card game; it’s also given us fun ways to talk about everyday life! This blog post explores different poker-related phrases we use in English to describe various situations. Whether you’re a poker pro or just love fun expressions, these idioms will add some flavor to your language!

Poker Idioms

Here are 20 poker idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Hold All the Aces

Meaning: To be in a very strong position
Example: She holds all the aces in this negotiation.

Play Your Cards Right

Meaning: Use your resources wisely
Example: If you play your cards right, you might get a promotion.

Poker Face

Meaning: To hide your emotions
Example: He kept a poker face during the meeting.

Up the Ante

Meaning: To increase what is at stake
Example: They really upped the ante with that offer.


Meaning: To give up
Example: He decided to fold after the first round.

Call Someone’s Bluff

Meaning: To challenge someone’s deceit
Example: She decided to call his bluff and asked for proof.

All In

Meaning: To commit fully
Example: He went all in with his new business.


Meaning: To deceive or trick
Example: He managed to bluff his way through the interview.

Ace in the Hole

Meaning: A hidden advantage
Example: She had an ace in the hole during the debate.

Chip In

Meaning: To contribute
Example: Everyone needs to chip in for the gift.

Pass the Buck

Meaning: To shift responsibility
Example: He always tries to pass the buck when work piles up.

Show Your Hand

Meaning: Reveal your intentions
Example: It’s time to show your hand if you’re serious about this deal.

On a Roll

Meaning: Experiencing a consistent success
Example: He’s really on a roll with these projects.

Stack the Deck

Meaning: Manipulate events in one’s favor
Example: They stacked the deck during the elections.

Play for Keeps

Meaning: To do something seriously
Example: This time, we’re playing for keeps.

Bet Your Bottom Dollar

Meaning: Be very sure about something
Example: You can bet your bottom dollar he’ll be late.

Wild Card

Meaning: An unpredictable factor
Example: The weather is the wild card in our plans.

Cash In Your Chips

Meaning: To take your winnings or stop participating
Example: He decided to cash in his chips and retire.

Sweeten the Pot

Meaning: To make an offer more attractive
Example: Let’s sweeten the pot with a bonus.

By the Book

Meaning: To do things according to the rules
Example: He does everything by the book.

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Royal Idioms

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Poker Idioms