10 Best Short Poems about Obsession

Explore the intense and consuming world of obsession through these ten captivating poems. Each piece delves into the depths of an all-consuming passion, portraying the relentless pursuit, unyielding thoughts, and the powerful emotions that define obsession in its various forms.

Short Poems about Obsession

1. Shadow’s Embrace

This poem describes the inescapable nature of obsession, likening it to a shadow that follows relentlessly.

In every step, your shadow’s cling,

A relentless pursuit, an endless ring,

In your grasp, my heart does sing,

Obsession’s dance, on silent wing.


With every breath, your essence near,

A haunting presence, crystal clear,

In your orbit, no escape I fear,

In obsession’s hold, you’re always here.


Your echo in my thoughts reside,

In every corner, you abide,

In your absence, a part of me died,

Obsession’s tide, in which I bide.

2. The Endless Chase

This poem illustrates the unending chase of obsession, like a moth drawn to a flame.

Chasing you like a moth to light,

An endless pursuit through day and night,

In your glow, my only sight,

Obsession’s flame, burning bright.


Round and round in circles I go,

In your pursuit, time does slow,

In your wake, a hypnotic flow,

Obsession’s path, all I know.


Never reaching, always near,

In this chase, my path unclear,

In your orbit, I adhere,

Obsession’s course, my only gear.

3. Whispering Ghost

This poem speaks of obsession as a whispering ghost, a constant, unseen companion.

Like a whispering ghost, you’re always there,

In silent moments, everywhere,

In your absence, an empty chair,

Obsession’s voice, in the air.


Your essence lingers in my mind,

A haunting melody, entwined,

In your spell, I am confined,

Obsession’s song, undefined.


In solitude, I hear your call,

In empty halls, your footsteps fall,

In your grip, I’m enthralled,

Obsession’s whisper, my downfall.

4. Heart’s Labyrinth

This poem depicts the journey of obsession as navigating a heart’s labyrinth, with no clear way out.

In the labyrinth of my heart,

Your image etched in every part,

In your maze, I fall apart,

Obsession’s art, a piercing dart.


Winding paths lead to you,

In this maze, no exit clue,

In your puzzle, I pursue,

Obsession’s riddle, ever true.


Lost in the corridors of desire,

In your flame, an eternal fire,

In this labyrinth, I aspire,

Obsession’s quest, never tire.

5. Ocean’s Pull

The poem compares obsession to the relentless pull of the ocean, drawing one deeper.

Like the ocean’s relentless pull,

In your tide, I am full,

In your waves, I lose control,

Obsession’s sea, my soul’s toll.


Deeper into your depths I dive,

In your waters, I feel alive,

In your current, I strive,

Obsession’s grip, where I thrive.


In the vastness of your sea,

Your undercurrent captures me,

In your grasp, I long to be,

Obsession’s ocean, endlessly.

6. The Puppeteer

This poem portrays obsession as a puppeteer, controlling every move and thought.

Your strings, they dance in my mind,

A puppeteer so unkind,

In your control, I am blind,

Obsession’s play, my ties bind.


With every pull, I move for you,

In your hands, my world askew,

In your script, my lines anew,

Obsession’s stage, a view askew.


In this act, I lose my way,

In your drama, I’m led astray,

In your theater, I forever stay,

Obsession’s puppet, in disarray.

7. The Fire Within

This poem delves into the internal fire of obsession, burning relentlessly.

A fire within, it burns for you,

An endless flame, in all I do,

In your orbit, my world askew,

Obsession’s heat, a fiery stew.


In the blaze of your gaze, I melt,

In your warmth, emotions felt,

In your inferno, my resolve pelt,

Obsession’s fire, unquelt.


Your spark ignites my inner flame,

In your light, a moths’ game,

In your pyre, I lay claim,

Obsession’s burn, untame.

8. Garden of Thorns

This poem describes obsession as a garden of thorns, beautiful yet painful.

In the garden of your love, thorns grow,

A painful beauty, in sorrow’s tow,

In your thicket, I willingly go,

Obsession’s garden, a painful glow.


Each petal, a memory’s pain,

In your roses, love’s stain,

In your brambles, my heart’s chain,

Obsession’s flora, my heart’s bane.


In this garden, I wander lost,

In your vines, my heart is tossed,

In your flora, a heavy cost,

Obsession’s thicket, forever frost.

9. The Clock’s Tick

This poem reflects on obsession as a relentless ticking clock, marking every moment.

Tick tock, the clock of you,

In every second, your view,

In your time, my world askew,

Obsession’s clock, a constant stew.


With each tick, your face I see,

In time’s rhythm, you’re with me,

In your hours, I cannot flee,

Obsession’s time, unbreakable decree.


In the clockwork of my mind,

Your memory, ever entwined,

In your moments, I am confined,

Obsession’s tick, my heart’s bind.

10. Mirror’s Reflection

This poem portrays obsession as seeing the object of obsession reflected in everything.

In every mirror, your reflection I see,

A haunting image, a persistent plea,

In your likeness, I long to be,

Obsession’s reflection, a constant decree.


Your face in shadows, your smile in light,

In every reflection, you’re in sight,

In your image, my day and night,

Obsession’s mirror, my plight.


In the glass, your echo calls,

In your reflection, my heart falls,

In your semblance, my spirit stalls,

Obsession’s image, my heart’s walls.

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