10 Best Short Poems about Islam

Exploring the rich tapestry of Islam through poetry, this collection, “10 Best Short Poems about Islam,” captures the essence of faith, culture, and spirituality. Each poem, woven with simplicity and reverence, offers a glimpse into the profound depths of Islamic teachings and the beauty of its practices.

Short Poems about Islam

1. Call to Prayer

This poem captures the spiritual essence of the Adhan (Islamic call to prayer), evoking the feelings of peace and unity it brings.

In the early morning light,

The call to prayer takes its flight,

Echoing in the tranquil air,

Uniting hearts in solemn prayer.


Through the city, it rings true,

A melody for me and you,

Calling souls to pause and feel,

The spiritual bond, the sacred seal.


In every word, a divine plea,

To join in unity, in harmony,

A call that transcends the earth,

In prayer, we find our rebirth.

2. Pillars of Faith

This poem highlights the Five Pillars of Islam, symbolizing the foundation and strength they provide to the faithful.

Five pillars, strong and sure,

Guide the hearts, pure,

Faith, prayer, charity,

Fasting, pilgrimage, the key.


Each one, a step on the path,

In their light, we find our math,

Guiding through life’s test,

In their practice, we are blessed.


In these pillars, we find our way,

From dawn until the end of day,

A framework for the soul,

In Islam, they make us whole.

3. The Holy Month

Reflecting on the sanctity of Ramadan, this poem describes the spiritual journey of fasting, prayer, and reflection during this holy month.

In the month of Ramadan’s grace,

A journey of faith we embrace,

Dawn to dusk, the fast we keep,

In this time, our faith runs deep.


Nights alive with prayer and plea,

Seeking mercy, souls set free,

A time for reflection, to atone,

In these days, our strength is shown.


The crescent moon, our guiding light,

In this holy month, our spirits take flight,

A celebration of devotion and love,

Blessings sent from above.

4. Garden of Peace

This poem is a metaphorical representation of Islam as a garden, symbolizing growth, peace, and harmony within the faith.

Islam, a garden lush and wide,

Where peace and love reside,

Each believer, a flower in bloom,

In this divine, celestial room.


Roots entwined in sacred soil,

Nurtured by prayer and toil,

Fragrance of faith fills the air,

In this garden, we find care.


In unity, these flowers grow,

In the light of faith, they glow,

A garden of tranquility,

Islam, a symbol of serenity.

5. The Holy Book

Celebrating the Quran, this poem describes its significance as a guide and source of divine wisdom for Muslims.

The Holy Quran, our sacred guide,

In its words, we take pride,

Verses of wisdom, deep and vast,

Lessons from the first to the last.


A light in darkness, a beacon bright,

Guiding us through day and night,

In its chapters, a divine call,

A path to salvation for us all.


Recited with reverence and love,

A gift from the heavens above,

The Quran, a treasure untold,

In its pages, mysteries unfold.

6. The Prophet’s Path

This poem pays homage to Prophet Muhammad, emphasizing his role as a role model and a beacon of light in Islam.

In the footsteps of the Prophet, we tread,

His teachings, our daily bread,

A life of compassion, truth, and grace,

In his path, we find our place.


A beacon of light in times of dark,

His legacy, a divine spark,

Guiding us with wisdom and love,

Echoes of mercy from above.


In his example, a perfect guide,

In his sunnah, we take pride,

Following him, our hearts aspire,

To reach heights that are higher.

7. The Call of Hajj

The poem describes the spiritual journey of Hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage, highlighting its significance and the unity it brings among Muslims.

To the sacred city, we flock,

In the journey of Hajj, we walk,

A pilgrimage of faith and soul,

In this act, we find our whole.


Circling the Kaaba, hearts unite,

In their robes of white,

A sea of believers, side by side,

In unity, they abide.


Returning home, reborn, anew,

With hearts pure and true,

The call of Hajj, a divine plea,

In it, our spirits fly free.

8. The Fountain of Zakat

This poem reflects on Zakat, the Islamic practice of charity, as a fountain nurturing the community and purifying the giver.

Zakat, a fountain flowing free,

Nourishing life, like a tree,

A duty to give, to share,

In this act, we show we care.


Purifying wealth, souls alike,

Aiding those in need, a strike

Against greed, a noble deed,

In charity, we find our creed.


A pillar that holds us high,

Under the vast, open sky,

Zakat, a gift of love,

Blessed by the One above.

9. The Night of Power

Capturing the essence of Laylat al-Qadr, this poem speaks of the night’s profound spiritual significance and the opportunities it offers for reflection and prayer.

In the month of Ramadan, a night so rare,

Laylat al-Qadr, beyond compare,

A time when heavens’ doors swing wide,

In this night, our prayers collide.


Better than a thousand months,

In its hours, a lifetime’s worth,

Seeking forgiveness, hearts alight,

In this blessed, powerful night.


A chance to turn, to start anew,

In this night, our faith we renew,

The Night of Power, a divine gift,

In its moments, our spirits lift.

10. The Tapestry of Ummah

This poem celebrates the Ummah, the global community of Muslims, highlighting its diversity and unity.

Across the lands, far and wide,

The Ummah, our collective pride,

Different faces, cultures blend,

In Islam, we all find our friend.


Together we stand, united in faith,

In love and peace, our common wraith,

A tapestry of colors bright,

In unity, we find our might.


In every prayer, in every heart,

The Ummah, an essential part,

Together we grow, together we thrive,

In the bond of Islam, we come alive.

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