10 Best Short Poems about Being Used

“10 Best Short Poems about Being Used” captures the complex emotions of feeling exploited and unvalued. These evocative poems delve into the heartache of realizing one’s worth is overlooked, the struggle to regain self-respect, and the journey towards healing from manipulation, each verse resonating with a powerful blend of vulnerability and strength.

Short Poems about Being Used

1. Puppet Strings

This poem speaks to the experience of feeling controlled and manipulated, like a puppet on strings.

Tangled in puppet strings, I dance,

To another’s tune, in a trance.

Manipulated, turned, and swayed,

In this performance, my role played.


Strings that pull, control, bind,

In their grip, my will confined.

A marionette in a show not mine,

In their hands, I resign.


Cutting strings, a hope to find,

In freedom’s quest, my peace of mind.

A puppet no more, in strength I sing,

In my heart, no more strings.

2. The Used

Reflecting on the feeling of being taken advantage of, this poem explores the sadness and disillusionment it brings.

Like a tool, I was used,

My worth, exploited, abused.

Taken for granted, a means to an end,

In this use, my spirit bend.


A feeling of being merely a resource,

In their hands, no remorse.

Utilized, then cast aside,

In their wake, my swallowed pride.


From the ashes of being used, I rise,

In newfound strength, my prize.

No longer a pawn in another’s game,

In my story, I reclaim.

3. Echoes of Deception

Using the metaphor of echoes, this poem captures the lingering pain and betrayal of being deceived.

In my ears, echoes of deception ring,

Lies and false promises, they sing.

A melody of manipulation, so rife,

In its tune, my strife.


Words once sweet, now sour,

In deceit’s hour, they devour.

Echoes that haunt, a trust betrayed,

In their resonance, my peace swayed.


Turning away from these deceptive sounds,

In my heart, a new rhythm founds.

Echoes of truth, in clarity, I choose,

In their call, deception I lose.

4. The Invisible Chain

This poem delves into the feeling of being emotionally bound and used by someone, likened to an invisible chain.

Bound by an invisible chain, unseen,

In their grip, where I’ve been.

Tethered to a will not my own,

In this bondage, my light shown.


A chain of control, subtle, sly,

In its hold, my silent cry.

Manipulated, held, confined,

In this chain, my freedom fined.


Breaking free, link by link,

In liberation, I finally think.

No more chains, invisible, and used,

In my journey, unamused.

5. Shadows of Use

Reflecting on the aftermath of being used, this poem speaks to the shadows it casts on one’s self-esteem and trust.

In the shadows of being used, I walk,

A path of doubt, where trust is balk.

A silhouette of exploitation, dark and cold,

In its form, my story told.


These shadows loom, long and drear,

In their darkness, my fear.

A lingering effect, a trust broken,

In their grip, words unspoken.


Stepping out from these gloomy shades,

In the light, my spirit wades.

No more shadows, no more use,

In brightness, my path I choose.

6. The Well of Exploitation

Using the imagery of a well, this poem explores the depth of feeling exploited and the struggle to climb out.

Down in a well of exploitation deep,

Where my worth did not keep.

Used and drained, an empty shell,

In this well, my hell.


Echoes of my worth, down below,

In this pit, my woe.

Drawn and used, till dry and sore,

In this depth, no more.


Climbing out, each painful step,

In my resolve, my prep.

From this well of use, I emerge,

In newfound strength, I surge.

7. The Price of Being Used

This poem speaks to the emotional cost of being used and the journey to recognizing one’s own value.

A price paid, in being used,

My worth, discounted, abused.

A toll on heart, on soul, on mind,

In this cost, my bind.


Exploited, valued less, a cheapened feel,

In this deal, my ordeal.

A currency of self, spent and lost,

In this use, my cost.


Rising in worth, reclaiming my due,

In this journey, I renew.

No more a price, for being used,

In my worth, I’m infused.

8. The Hollow Heart

Capturing the emptiness that comes from being emotionally used, this poem portrays a heart hollowed out by exploitation.

In my chest, a hollow heart,

From being used, torn apart.

Once full of love, now empty, void,

In their hands, my heart toyed.


A hollow echo, where love once thrived,

In exploitation, it dived.

Used for affection, then left bare,

In this hollowness, my despair.


Filling this heart, piece by piece,

In self-love, my release.

No longer hollow, but whole and new,

In my heart, a love true.

9. Fading Trust

Reflecting on the loss of trust that comes with being manipulated, this poem speaks to the fading belief in others.

My trust, a fading shade,

In their use, it did degrade.

Once bright and strong, now dim,

In their deceit, its brim.


A belief in others, worn and torn,

In their manipulation, it’s worn.

Fading trust, a skeptic’s view,

In their actions, it withdrew.


Rekindling trust, a cautious flame,

In new light, not the same.

In this fading, a careful trust,

In its revival, a must.

10. The Echo of Empty Promises

Using the motif of echoes, this poem delves into the emptiness felt when promises are made only to be broken in the act of using someone.

Echoes of empty promises fill the air,

Words spoken, without care.

Promises made, then broken, used,

In their wake, I’m bruised.


A reverberation of false hope, a lie,

In their echo, my sigh.

Used by words, a trust betrayed,

In these echoes, my heart swayed.


Turning from these hollow sounds,

In my strength, my ground.

No more echoes, no more lies,

In truth, my rise.

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