10 Best Short Poems about Being Tired

Immerse yourself in “10 Best Short Poems about Being Tired,” a collection that captures the profound weariness of body and soul. These verses articulate the exhaustion that comes from life’s relentless pace, the search for rest, and the universal longing for a moment of peace in our hectic world, all expressed through poignant and reflective poetry.

Short Poems about Being Tired

1. Weary Bones

This poem reflects on the physical exhaustion that permeates the body after long days and endless tasks.

My bones tired, weary and worn,

From life’s relentless morn.

Each step heavier than the last,

In fatigue, I’m firmly cast.


Muscles aching, strength fades,

Under the weight of endless parades.

A body spent, no vigor left,

In weariness, I am bereft.


Weary bones, craving rest,

In life’s marathon, a relentless test.

In the quiet, seeking reprieve,

In tiredness, I believe.

2. The Weight of Eyes

Exploring the sensation of overwhelming tiredness in the eyes, this poem captures the struggle to stay awake.

Heavy lids, a weight to bear,

Struggling to stay open, in the air.

Eyes that droop, drowsy and dim,

In tiredness, they swim.


A day’s toil in every blink,

In weariness, I sink.

Vision blurred, the world fades,

In these eyes, sleepy shades.


The weight of eyes, burdened and tired,

In their struggle, life’s mired.

Longing for sleep, a sweet close,

In tired eyes, a needed dose.

3. Mind’s Fatigue

This poem delves into the mental exhaustion that comes with constant thinking, worrying, and planning.

My mind whirls, tired and spent,

With thoughts and worries, never bent.

A ceaseless mill, grinding away,

In its fatigue, night and day.


Thoughts tangled, a weary web,

In its maze, my energy ebb.

Mental exhaustion, in every thought,

In weariness, I’m caught.


Mind’s fatigue, a silent plea,

For a moment’s peace, to flee.

In this tired brain, a heavy load,

In its weariness, my abode.

4. Soul’s Sigh

Reflecting on the deeper, emotional exhaustion that affects the spirit, this poem speaks to the tiredness of the soul.

In my soul, a tired sigh,

A weariness that money can’t buy.

A deep exhaustion, from within,

In life’s race, cannot win.


A spirit drained, of vigor lost,

In its fatigue, heavily cost.

An inner tiredness, hard to bear,

In this weariness, my despair.


Soul’s sigh, in the depths deep,

Longing for rest, a peaceful sleep.

In this tired soul, a longing cry,

For tranquility, under the sky.

5. Drowning in Exhaustion

Using the metaphor of drowning, this poem captures the overwhelming sense of being submerged in fatigue.

Drowning in exhaustion, a sea so vast,

In its waters, I’m outcast.

Waves of tiredness, over my head,

In this sea, my comfort’s dead.


Sinking deeper, in fatigue’s embrace,

In weariness, I can’t face.

A torrent of tiredness, no shore in sight,

In this ocean, an endless plight.


In exhaustion’s sea, no land near,

In its depth, my fear.

Drowning in weariness, no lifeline cast,

In this sea, I’m overcast.

6. Restless Rest

This poem touches on the irony of being too tired to find restful sleep, caught in a cycle of restless tiredness.

In bed I lay, tired and restless,

Sleep evades, cruel and ruthless.

Too tired to sleep, a paradox true,

In restless nights, comfort withdrew.


Eyes closed, yet mind awake,

In this weariness, a ceaseless ache.

A body craving sleep’s sweet kiss,

In tiredness, I miss.


Restless rest, a weary fight,

In the shadows of the night.

Longing for sleep’s gentle nest,

In this tiredness, no rest.

7. The Endless Day

Exploring the feeling of days that stretch endlessly, filled with tasks and responsibilities, this poem captures the exhaustion of never-ending work.

Long are the days, with tasks unending,

In their hours, my strength bending.

From dawn to dusk, a constant toll,

In this marathon, I roll.


An endless day, no respite found,

In its cycle, I am bound.

Chores and duties, a relentless sway,

In their grip, my energy fray.


The endless day, a weary plight,

In its length, I fight.

Seeking night’s sweet, elusive balm,

In day’s fatigue, no calm.

8. Fading into Shadows

Capturing the sensation of being so tired that one feels like fading away, this poem speaks to the desire to escape into rest.

Fading into shadows, tired and weak,

In exhaustion’s arms, solace I seek.

A wisp of self, thin and frail,

In tiredness, I pale.


A silhouette of weariness, a ghostly form,

In fatigue’s storm, I’m torn.

Longing to vanish, into night’s embrace,

In shadows, I trace.


Fading away, a tired soul’s flight,

In the darkness, seeking light.

In weariness, a shadow’s cast,

In its embrace, I’m vast.

9. Heavy Steps

This poem portrays the physical sensation of each step feeling heavy and burdensome due to extreme tiredness.

Each step a burden, heavy and slow,

In tiredness, I barely go.

Feet dragging, a weighted trail,

In fatigue’s journey, I fail.


Walking through molasses, thick and deep,

In each step, weariness seep.

A marathon in every move,

In tiredness, I can’t improve.


Heavy steps, in life’s long race,

In their pace, my case.

Dragging forward, in weariness’s grips,

In each movement, my spirit dips.

10. Echoes of Weariness

Reflecting on the internal echoes of being tired, this poem captures the repeated calls for rest and respite.

In my heart, echoes of weariness ring,

A tired chorus, they sing.

A call for rest, a plea to cease,

In their refrain, I seek peace.


An echo in every heartbeat, tired and slow,

In this fatigue, I bow low.

A resounding drum of exhaustion’s call,

In its beat, I fall.


Echoes of weariness, in every vein,

In their sound, my strain.

A constant reminder of the need to rest,

In these echoes, my quest.

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