10 Best Short Poems about Beans

Delve into the delightful and varied world of beans with these 10 short poems. Celebrating beans in all their forms – from the magical beans of fairy tales to the simple, nourishing beans in our kitchens – these verses offer a whimsical and affectionate look at one of nature’s humble yet versatile gifts. Enjoy the playful rhythms and rhymes that pay homage to the bean, a staple that has fed and fascinated for centuries.

Short Poems about Beans

1. Bean’s Journey

This poem tells the story of a bean’s growth and journey from soil to plate.

In the earth, a bean is sown,

Under the sun, it has grown.

Green and small, in the soil’s embrace,

A journey begins, at a steady pace.


Sprouting leaves, reaching high,

Towards the sky, where birds fly.

In its pod, it snugly lies,

In the garden, under open skies.


Harvested gently, in hands so kind,

In the kitchen, flavors bind.

From soil to plate, a journey done,

In the story of a bean, life’s spun.

2. Magic Beans

The fantastical nature of magical beans is celebrated in this poem.

Magic beans, of tales old,

In their story, adventures bold.

Thrown to the ground, with a wish so keen,

In the magic beans, dreams are seen.


Growing fast, to the clouds they soar,

Unlocking secrets, in folklore.

Up the stalk, to realms unseen,

In these beans, a world serene.


In every seed, a mystery lies,

Reaching towards the endless skies.

Magic beans, in legends told,

In their story, magic unfolds.

3. Beanstalk High

The height and might of a beanstalk are depicted in this poem.

Tall and strong, the beanstalk stands,

Reaching up, to far-off lands.

Green and winding, up it grows,

In its climb, a story flows.


Leaf by leaf, it scales the air,

A tower of green, without a care.

Up to the clouds, it proudly sways,

In the breeze, it plays.


Beanstalk high, in the sky so wide,

A natural ladder, in strides.

Tall and proud, it reaches high,

In its height, touching the sky.

4. Beans in the Pot

The simple joy of cooking beans is the essence of this poem.

In the pot, beans simmer slow,

Stirring gently, in warmth they glow.

A humble meal, yet rich in taste,

In the kitchen, no haste.


Seasoned well, with care and love,

Savory scents, rise above.

In the pot, a melody of flavors,

In each bite, a taste to savor.


Beans in the pot, a comfort found,

In their simplicity, joy abounds.

Cooked with love, a dish so hot,

In every spoonful, flavors caught.

5. Bean Garden

This poem celebrates the beauty and bounty of a bean garden.

In the bean garden, rows align,

Under the sun, they bask and shine.

Green tendrils climb, in a graceful dance,

In the soil, a chance to advance.


Leaves unfold, in the daylight’s kiss,

In this garden, pure bliss.

Pods of green, a treasure to find,

In the garden, peace of mind.


Harvest time, a joyful task,

In the garden’s bounty, we bask.

Bean garden’s gift, nature’s art,

In each pod, a beating heart.

6. The Humble Bean

The nutritional value and simplicity of beans are highlighted in this poem.

Humble in form, yet rich within,

Beans, a source of protein, thin.

In each small shape, a power held,

In their simplicity, nutrition dwelled.


Packed with goodness, a tiny might,

In each bean, a healthy bite.

A staple food, in dishes wide,

In their humbleness, virtues hide.


Simple beans, in meals shine,

Providing strength, in design.

Humble and small, yet mighty and lean,

In each bean, life’s cuisine.

7. Beans of the World

The global diversity of beans is celebrated in this poem.

Beans of the world, in varieties vast,

In every culture, a flavorful cast.

Black, pinto, kidney, and more,

In each cuisine, a folklore.


From the Americas to Asian lands,

In every dish, they expand.

Beans of the world, in unity bind,

In their diversity, flavors entwined.


On every plate, a story to tell,

In each bean, a world dwells.

Beans of the world, a culinary song,

In every seed, a bond strong.

8. Coffee Beans

The allure and aroma of coffee beans are captured in this poem.

In the grind, coffee beans release,

Aroma rich, a fragrant peace.

Dark and deep, in flavor’s hold,

In each bean, a story told.


Morning’s wake, in a cup so warm,

Coffee beans, in liquid form.

A sip of joy, a taste divine,

In each brew, a moment’s shine.


Roasted dark, or lightly done,

In coffee beans, a new day begun.

In their essence, a pleasure seen,

In the magic of coffee beans.

9. Children’s Bean Games

The playful nature of children using beans in games is depicted in this poem.

In children’s hands, beans become play,

In games of old, in joyful sway.

Counting, sorting, in laughter loud,

In these beans, childhood’s shroud.


Little treasures, in palms they hold,

In each bean, stories unfold.

Games of innocence, simple and sweet,

In their play, joy’s heartbeat.


In each small bean, a toy they find,

In imagination, a creative mind.

Children’s games, in simplicity’s sheen,

In the world of beans.

10. Nighttime Beanstalk

The mystical nature of a beanstalk under the stars is the theme of this poem.

Under the stars, the beanstalk sleeps,

In the moonlight, a secret it keeps.

Tall and still, in the night’s embrace,

In its leaves, a tranquil space.


Silhouetted against the sky, so vast,

In its stillness, a shadow cast.

Nighttime beanstalk, in dreams it weaves,

In the cool air, night’s leaves.


In the quiet, it reaches high,

Under the watchful, starry sky.

Nighttime beanstalk, in silence deep,

In its form, mysteries keep.

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