500+ Plants That Start With E (Complete List)

Plants That Start With E

plants that start with e

Plants are diverse organisms that include a wide range of species, from mosses and ferns to flowering plants, and are found in almost every habitat on earth. Below is the list of plants starting with E.

Plants That Start With E

  • Eytelia
  • Extinguisher Moss
  • Exochorda
  • Exacum
  • Evolvulus
  • Eustoma
  • Euryops
  • Euryale
  • Eurya
  • European Pellitory
  • European Holly
  • European Flax
  • Euptelea
  • Eupatorium
  • Euonymus
  • Eucryphia
  • Eucommia
  • Eucomis
  • Eucharis
  • Eucalyptus
  • Etlingera
  • Espostoa
  • Escobaria
  • Escallonia
  • Erythronium
  • Erodium
  • Eritrichium
  • Eriophyllum
  • Eriogonum
  • Eriobotrya
  • Erinus
  • Erinacea
  • Eremurus
  • Ercilla
  • Eranthemum
  • Epithelantha
  • Epilobium
  • Epigaea
  • Epacris
  • Ensete
  • Enkianthus
  • English Oak
  • Encelia
  • Emmenopterys
  • Embothrium
  • Elsholtzia
  • Eleutherococcus
  • Elettaria
  • Elatostema
  • Elaeocarpus
  • Elaeagnus
  • Ehretia
  • Egeria
  • Edraianthus
  • Edithcolea
  • Edgeworthia
  • Echium
  • Echinopsis
  • Echinocereus
  • Echinocactus
  • Echidnopsis
  • Echeveria
  • Eccremocarpus
  • Ecballium
  • Ebracteola
  • Eastern Coneflower
  • Eastern Black Oak
  • Earth Gall
  • Early Wintercress

All Trees and Plants Beginning With E

Plants That Start With EA

  1. earleaved umbrella tree
  2. east india kino
  3. east indian rosebay
  4. eastern spruce
  5. east african cedar
  6. easter lily
  7. eastern hemlock
  8. eau de cologne mint
  9. earth almond
  10. eastern red cedar
  11. early winter cress
  12. eastern poison oak
  13. east indian fig tree
  14. eastern silvery aster
  15. eastern white pine
  16. east india rosewood
  17. east indian rosewood
  18. earthtongue
  19. early purple orchid
  20. eastern chinquapin
  21. easter cactus
  22. early coral root
  23. easter lily vine
  24. earthstar
  25. earthnut
  26. earthnut pea
  27. earthball
  28. eastern cottonwood
  29. eastern hop hornbeam
  30. eastern pasque flower
  31. ear
  32. early morel
  33. early spider orchid
  34. easter daisy

Plants That Start With EC

  1. echinochloa
  2. echinochloa crusgalli
  3. echinocactus grusonii
  4. echinochloa frumentacea
  5. echinocactus
  6. echinocereus
  7. echinops
  8. echium
  9. echium vulgare
  10. echinacea
  11. ecballium

Plants That Start With ED

  1. edible asparagus
  2. edible banana
  3. eddo
  4. edelweiss

Plants That Start With EB

  1. ebenales
  2. ebony family
  3. ebony tree
  4. ebenaceae
  5. ebony spleenwort
  6. eburophyton
  7. ebony
  8. eburophyton austinae

Plants That Start With EE

  1. eelgrass
  2. eelgrass family

Plants That Start With EG

  1. egyptian onion
  2. egyptian pea
  3. egyptian lupine
  4. eglantine
  5. eggplant bush
  6. egyptian paper rush
  7. egyptian paper reed
  8. egyptian water lily
  9. egyptian henbane
  10. egeria densa
  11. egyptian grass
  12. egyptian corn
  13. egyptian cotton
  14. egyptian bean
  15. egeria
  16. eggplant

Plants That Start With EL

  1. elodea
  2. elm tree
  3. eleocharis
  4. elf cup
  5. elm
  6. elemi
  7. elaeis
  8. elephantopus
  9. elettaria
  10. elephant tree
  11. elettaria cardamomum
  12. elephant ear
  13. elkwood
  14. elaeocarpaceae
  15. elaeis oleifera
  16. elymus arenarius
  17. elaeagnus commutata
  18. elaeocarpus grandis
  19. elymus
  20. elephant yam
  21. elderberry
  22. eleusine
  23. elliptic leaf
  24. eleusine coracana
  25. elecampane
  26. elaeagnus augustifolia
  27. eleusine indica
  28. elaeagnus latifolia
  29. elaeis guineensis
  30. elongate leaf
  31. eleocharis palustris
  32. elaeocarpus family
  33. elodea canadensis
  34. elaeocarpus
  35. elm family
  36. elymus trachycaulos
  37. elderberry bush
  38. elegant brodiaea
  39. elymus condensatus
  40. elk nut
  41. elymus hispidus
  42. eleocharis acicularis
  43. elymus canadensis
  44. eleuthera bark
  45. eleocharis dulcis
  46. elkhorn fern
  47. elder
  48. elegant habenaria
  49. elaeagnaceae
  50. elaeagnus
  51. elmwood
  52. elodea densa
  53. elsholtzia

Plants That Start With EM

  1. emarginate leaf
  2. embryo
  3. emilia flammea
  4. emmanthe penduliflora
  5. empetrum
  6. embothrium coccineum
  7. embothrium
  8. emerald creeper
  9. emilia sagitta
  10. emilia
  11. emilia javanica
  12. emmanthe
  13. emmer
  14. empetraceae
  15. emilia coccinea

Plants That Start With EN

  1. ensiform leaf
  2. ensete
  3. endogen
  4. english plantain
  5. entomophthorales
  6. english walnut tree
  7. endocarp
  8. enation
  9. english daisy
  10. english elm
  11. engelmannia
  12. english hawthorn
  13. engelmann spruce
  14. english violet
  15. entomophthoraceae
  16. enceliopsis
  17. encelia farinosa
  18. entoloma
  19. encephalartos caffer
  20. entire leaf
  21. english bean
  22. encyclia citrina
  23. english iris
  24. english walnut
  25. english ivy
  26. encyclia venosa
  27. english lavender
  28. encelia
  29. entomophthora
  30. enterolobium
  31. endospore
  32. encephalartos
  33. entandrophragma
  34. enceliopsis nudicaulis
  35. english yew
  36. entolomataceae
  37. encyclia tampensis
  38. endemic
  39. entoloma lividum
  40. english primrose
  41. entoloma sinuatum
  42. endomycetales
  43. entoloma aprile
  44. english oak
  45. endosperm
  46. english ryegrass
  47. encyclia
  48. endive
  49. ensete ventricosum
  50. entelea
  51. enterolobium cyclocarpa

Plants That Start With EI

  1. eichhornia
  2. eichhornia spesiosa
  3. eichhornia crassipes

Plants That Start With EP

  1. epiphytic plant
  2. epiphyte
  3. epacridaceae
  4. epidendrum venosum
  5. episperm
  6. episcia dianthiflora
  7. epilobium
  8. epacris obtusifolia
  9. ephedraceae
  10. epigaea repens
  11. epidendrum
  12. epilobium hirsutum
  13. epimedium grandiflorum
  14. epipactis gigantea
  15. epidendron
  16. epidendrum tampense
  17. epigaea
  18. epacris
  19. ephedra
  20. epacris family
  21. episcia
  22. epilobium canum canum
  23. epacris purpurascens
  24. epilobium angustifolium
  25. epipactis
  26. epipactis helleborine
  27. epipremnum
  28. epipremnum aureum
  29. ephedra sinica
  30. epimedium
  31. epiphyllum
  32. epicalyx
  33. epicarp
  34. epacris impressa

Plants That Start With EQ

  1. equisetum fluviatile
  2. equisetum variegatum
  3. equador laurel
  4. equisetaceae
  5. equisetum robustum
  6. equisetales
  7. equisetum sylvaticum
  8. equisetatae
  9. equisetum
  10. equisetum hyemale
  11. equisetum arvense
  12. equisetum palustre

Plants That Start With ER

  1. eragrostis
  2. erythrina
  3. erysiphales
  4. eriophyllum wallacei
  5. erysimum
  6. erica carnea
  7. erysimum cheiri
  8. eriophyllum lanatum
  9. erica perspicua
  10. erigeron speciosus
  11. eruca sativa
  12. eruca vesicaria sativa
  13. erose leaf
  14. eryngium
  15. erodium texanum
  16. erica arborea
  17. erysimum asperum
  18. erythroxylum
  19. eriobotrya
  20. ericales
  21. erigeron aurantiacus
  22. eringo
  23. erechtites hieracifolia
  24. erythronium
  25. erigeron philadelphicus
  26. eriocaulon
  27. ercilla
  28. erythrina vespertilio
  29. eruca
  30. eriodictyon
  31. eryngium aquaticum
  32. erysimum cheiranthoides
  33. eryngium maritimum
  34. eriogonum allenii
  35. erigeron glaucous
  36. erica lusitanica
  37. eryngium yuccifolium
  38. erigeron pulchellus
  39. erigonum fasciculatum
  40. erica cinerea
  41. erica tetralix
  42. erica
  43. erythroxylon
  44. eranthis
  45. erythrina lysistemon
  46. erigeron acer
  47. erica vagans
  48. erodium moschatum
  49. eriocaulaceae
  50. eragrostis curvula
  51. erythrina caffra
  52. erigeron
  53. eriobotrya japonica
  54. erianthus ravennae
  55. erysiphaceae
  56. erythroxylaceae
  57. eriogonum
  58. eriophorum
  59. ergot
  60. erythronium americanum
  61. erysimum allionii
  62. erianthus
  63. erythronium montanum
  64. erodium
  65. erect bugle
  66. erythronium albidum
  67. eryngo
  68. erodium cicutarium
  69. erysimum arkansanum
  70. erigeron annuus
  71. eriocaulon aquaticum
  72. eriophyllum
  73. erigeron canadensis
  74. erigeron divergens
  75. eragrostic abyssinica
  76. erysiphe
  77. eragrostis tef
  78. erythrina indica
  79. eranthis hyemalis
  80. erythrina variegata
  81. ericaceae

Plants That Start With ET

  1. ethiopian banana

Plants That Start With EU

  1. euonymus europaeus
  2. eurotiales
  3. euonymus americanus
  4. european white lily
  5. eucalyptus maculata
  6. european dogtooth
  7. eugenia dicrana
  8. european quaking aspen
  9. euphorbia dentata
  10. euonymous alatus
  11. european turkey oak
  12. eucalyptus kino
  13. european dewberry
  14. euphorbia fulgens
  15. eucalypt ovata
  16. european barberry
  17. eucalytus stellulata
  18. european hornbeam
  19. eucarya
  20. european larch
  21. eucalyptus viminalis
  22. european hackberry
  23. eucarya acuminata
  24. european mountain ash
  25. eucalyptus tree
  26. european field elm
  27. eumycetes
  28. euphorbia cyparissias
  29. european sanicle
  30. eucalyptus amygdalina
  31. european bird cherry
  32. euphorbia ingens
  33. euphorbia medusae
  34. eucalyptus
  35. european beech
  36. eupatorium purpureum
  37. euterpe oleracea
  38. eucalypt grandis
  39. euphorbiaceae
  40. eucalyptus citriodora
  41. european bog asphodel
  42. eupatorium perfoliatum
  43. euterpe
  44. eucalyptusd eugenioides
  45. european hop
  46. eucalyptus delegatensis
  47. eugenia
  48. european brooklime
  49. european nut pine
  50. eumycota
  51. european silver fir
  52. eugenia aromaticum
  53. european olive tree
  54. eucalyptus fraxinoides
  55. european cranberry
  56. eucalypt
  57. euphorbia pulcherrima
  58. eugenia caryophyllatum
  59. euphorbia exigua
  60. european parsley fern
  61. eucalypt gunnii
  62. european ash
  63. eucalypt tereticornis
  64. european bean
  65. euphorbia esula
  66. euphorbia helioscopia
  67. euphorbia cyathophora
  68. eupatorium coelestinum
  69. eustoma
  70. euphorbia litchi
  71. euphorbia heterophylla
  72. eucalyptus rostrata
  73. european elm
  74. eucalyptus camphora
  75. european black currant
  76. eupatorium
  77. eurotium
  78. euphorbia lathyris
  79. eucalyptus calophylla
  80. european black alder
  81. euonymus
  82. euphorbia corollata
  83. european white birch
  84. eucalyptus dumosa
  85. european chestnut
  86. eucalyptus globulus
  87. european cranberry bush
  88. euphorbia
  89. eugenia jambos
  90. european raspberry
  91. euphorbia amygdaloides
  92. eucalyptus pauciflora
  93. european dune grass
  94. eupatorium rugosum
  95. eugenia corynantha
  96. european pasqueflower
  97. eucalyptus regnans
  98. european elder
  99. eugenia uniflora
  100. european red elder
  101. euphorbia marginata
  102. eucalyptus coriacea
  103. european box
  104. eucalyptus gum
  105. european cranberrybush
  106. euascomycetes
  107. euphorbia milii
  108. eubryales
  109. euphorbia peplus
  110. euonymus atropurpureus
  111. european woolly thistle
  112. eupatorium cannabinum
  113. eusporangium
  114. eupatorium maculatum
  115. eustoma grandiflorum
  116. euphorbia hirsuta

Plants That Start With ES

  1. eschalot
  2. escape
  3. eschscholtzia
  4. esparcet
  5. estragon

Plants That Start With EV

  1. evergreen beech
  2. evergreen cherry
  3. evergreen
  4. evergreen millet
  5. evergreen winterberry
  6. everlasting pea
  7. everlasting flower
  8. evergreen blueberry
  9. evernia
  10. evergreen bittersweet
  11. evergreen grass
  12. evening trumpet flower
  13. evergreen plant
  14. evergreen huckleberry
  15. evergreen oak
  16. evening primrose
  17. evening lychnis
  18. evergreen thorn
  19. evergreen wood fern
  20. everlasting
  21. evergreen magnolia

Plants That Start With EX

  1. exacum affine
  2. exacum
  3. exploding cucumber
  4. exogen
  5. exocarp
  6. expressed almond oil

Tropical Plants That Start With E

  • Escalloniaceae
  • Erythroxylaceae
  • Elaeagnaceae
  • Elaphoglossaceae
  • Ephedraceae
  • Ebenaceae
  • Epacridaceae
  • Equisetaceae
  • Eucommiaceae
  • Euphorbiaceae
  • Elaeocarpaceae
  • Ericaceae

House Plants | Indoor Plants That Start With E

  • English Ivy
  • Elephant’s Ear
  • European Fan Palm
  • Echeveria
  • Easter Lily Care
  • Easter Cactus

Perennials that Start with E

Common Name Botanical Name
Edelweiss Leontopodium
Evening primrose Oenothera
Erodium Erodium
English daisy Bellis
Elecampane Inula
Everlasting pea Lathrus latifolius
Echium Echium
English daisy Bellis perennis
English ivy Hedera

20 Plants Starting With Letter E (Pictures and Short Definitions)

1. Elderberry

Elderberry plant

A shrub or small tree produces clusters of small, black, or blueberries that are commonly used for making jams, jellies, and syrups.

2. Echinacea

Echinacea plant

A flowering plant that is often used for medicinal purposes, particularly to boost the immune system and alleviate cold and flu symptoms.

3. Eggplant

Eggplant plant

A vegetable plant that is part of the nightshade family and is known for its shiny, purple skin and meaty texture.

4. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus plant

A tall tree with aromatic leaves that is native to Australia and is often used for its medicinal properties and in essential oils.

5. English Ivy

English Ivy plant

A climbing vine with small, waxy leaves is often used as a decorative plant and can help purify the air.

6. Elm

Elm plant

A large, deciduous tree with a broad crown is known for its strong, durable wood.

7. Edelweiss

Edelweiss plant

A small, white flower that is native to the Alps and is often used as a symbol of rugged beauty and mountaineering.

8. Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose plant

A plant with yellow flowers that bloom in the evening and is often used for its medicinal properties, particularly to alleviate symptoms of PMS.

9. Elephant Ear

Elephant Ear plant

A large plant with broad, tropical-looking leaves that is often grown for its ornamental value.

10. Enoki Mushroom

Enoki Mushroom plant

A type of mushroom with long, slender stems and small, button-like caps that is often used in Asian cuisine.

11. European Beech

European Beech plant

A large tree with smooth, gray bark and glossy, serrated leaves that turn golden brown in the fall.

12. Emerald Fern

Emerald Fern plant

A fern with bright green fronds is often used as a decorative plant in homes and gardens.

13. Evergreen

Evergreen plant

A plant that retains its leaves year-round, rather than shedding them in the fall like deciduous plants.

14. Euonymus

Euonymus plant

A shrub or small tree with brightly colored foliage is often grown for its ornamental value.

15. Epiphyllum

Epiphyllum plant

A type of cactus with large, showy flowers that bloom at night and is often grown as a houseplant.

16. Eryngium

Eryngium plant

A plant with spiky, metallic blue flowers that are often used in floral arrangements.

17. Eustoma

Eustoma plant

A plant with large, showy flowers in shades of pink, purple, or white that is often used as a cut flower.

18. Eschscholzia

Eschscholzia plant

A plant with bright orange or yellow flowers that is native to California and is often grown for its ornamental value.

19. Everlasting

Everlasting plant

A plant with small, yellow, or white flowers that dry well and are often used in wreaths and other decorative arrangements.

20. Erigeron

Erigeron plant

A plant with daisy-like flowers in shades of pink, purple, or white that is often grown for its ornamental value.