Type: Adjective
Meaning/Definition of hungry: Adjective describing the feeling or state of needing or desiring food.
What is the Opposite of hungry?
The Opposite of hungry is full.
Other Opposites of hungry:
Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of hungry:
- broad
- complete
- deep
- exact
- extensive
- filled
- fraught
- full
- just
- large
- loaded
- occupied
- plummy
- precise
- replete
- rotund
- satiate
- satiated
- spacious
- whole
- wide
Example Sentences Using Opposites of “hungry”:
- After a hearty meal, I feel full and satisfied.
- He ate a large lunch and now feels satisfied.
- The delicious dinner left us feeling content.
- They provided a nourishing meal for the hungry children.
- Once his hunger was satisfied, he felt fulfilled.
- After eating a large portion, he is satiated.
- The baby was fed and fell asleep.
- She indulged in a decadent dessert after dinner.
- Despite eating too much, he still felt glutted.
- The tasty meal left her feeling gratified.