Type: Adjective
Meaning/Definition of bitter: Adjective describing something that has a harsh, unpleasant taste or is associated with feelings of resentment or hostility.
What is the Opposite of bitter?
The Opposite of bitter is sweet.
Other Opposites of bitter:
Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of bitter:
- beautiful
- cute
- delightful
- easy
- effortless
- good
- lovely
- luscious
- mellow
- nice
- pleasant
- pretty
- ready
- simple
- smooth
- soft
- straightforward
- sweet
Example Sentences Using Opposites of “bitter”:
- The dessert tasted sweet and indulgent.
- The vacation was a pleasant experience for the family.
- The meal was delicious and satisfying.
- The coffee had a mild flavor that appealed to many.
- The dish had a savory taste that pleased everyone.
- The food was tasty and enjoyable.
- The flavor of the soup was palatable and well-balanced.
- The tea was agreeable to the palate.
- The chocolate cake was gratifying and decadent.
- The fruit salad was delightful and refreshing.