Lion Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Lions are known for their strength and courage, and these qualities have inspired many phrases in the English language. In this blog post, we’ll explore various idioms that include the word “lion” or are related to lions. These expressions are used to convey different meanings and are fun to learn, especially for kids!

Lion Idioms

Here are 20 lion idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. As brave as a lion

Meaning: Very brave
Example: He was as brave as a lion during the rescue.

2. Lion’s share

Meaning: The largest part
Example: She got the lion’s share of the cake.

3. Lion-hearted

Meaning: Exceptionally courageous
Example: The lion-hearted girl faced her fears.

4. Take the lion by the tail

Meaning: To start a risky task
Example: He took the lion by the tail starting that project.

5. Lion in the way

Meaning: An excuse to avoid doing something
Example: He always has a lion in the way.

6. Lion’s den

Meaning: A dangerous or challenging place
Example: He walked into the lion’s den alone.

7. A live lion is better than a dead lion

Meaning: It’s better to be a live coward than a dead hero
Example: He chose to be a live lion and escaped.

8. Throw to the lions

Meaning: Sacrifice someone to save oneself
Example: She was thrown to the lions at the meeting.

9. March comes in like a lion

Meaning: March starts with bad weather
Example: It’s snowing, March comes in like a lion.

10. Feed on lions

Meaning: To take on a challenge bravely
Example: He fed on lions with that tough job.

11. Lion’s mouth

Meaning: A very dangerous place
Example: He escaped from the lion’s mouth.

12. Twist the lion’s tail

Meaning: Provoke a powerful opponent
Example: You twist the lion’s tail at your peril.

13. Lion of the desert

Meaning: A brave leader in a tough situation
Example: He was the lion of the desert in battle.

14. Lion’s paw

Meaning: Involved in a difficult situation
Example: She’s stuck in the lion’s paw now.

15. A toothless lion

Meaning: Someone who seems threatening but is not
Example: The old guard was a toothless lion.

16. Heart of a lion

Meaning: Very brave
Example: She showed the heart of a lion in crisis.

17. Lionize

Meaning: Treat someone as a celebrity
Example: The town lionized the returning hero.

18. Fight like a lion

Meaning: Fight with great courage
Example: He fought like a lion against his illness.

19. Lion tamer

Meaning: Someone who handles difficult situations
Example: She’s the lion tamer of the office.

20. Lion in winter

Meaning: Someone powerful in their later years
Example: He’s a true lion in winter now.

lion Idioms