Letter Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Idioms are like secret codes or special phrases that help us say things in a fun and interesting way. In this post, we’ll explore some cool idioms that include the word “letter.” These phrases can make your conversations more colorful and expressive. So, let’s dive in and learn together!

Letter Idioms

Here are 20 letter idioms in English.

1. To the letter

Meaning: Exactly, precisely
Example: He followed the instructions to the letter.

2. Letter-perfect

Meaning: Flawlessly memorized or executed
Example: Her recital was letter-perfect.

3. Dead letter

Meaning: No longer effective
Example: That law is a dead letter now.

4. French letter

Meaning: Slang for a condom
Example: He bought a French letter for safety.

5. Red-letter day

Meaning: A memorably important day
Example: Graduation was a red-letter day.

6. Letter of the law

Meaning: The literal meaning of the law
Example: He sticks to the letter of the law.

7. Poison pen letter

Meaning: Malicious, anonymous letter
Example: She received a poison pen letter.

8. Open letter

Meaning: Public letter to address broad audience
Example: He wrote an open letter to the mayor.

9. Chain letter

Meaning: Letter sent to multiple people
Example: She ignored the chain letter.

10. Scarlet letter

Meaning: A mark of shame
Example: He wore his scarlet letter silently.

11. Capital letter

Meaning: Upper case letter
Example: Start a sentence with a capital letter.

12. Night letter

Meaning: Urgent telegram sent at night
Example: He received a night letter.

13. Four-letter word

Meaning: A swear word
Example: Avoid saying any four-letter words.

14. Love letter

Meaning: A romantic or affectionate letter
Example: She wrote him a love letter.

15. Black letter

Meaning: Clear, definitive text or law
Example: That rule is black letter.

16. Letter bomb

Meaning: An explosive sent via mail
Example: The police found a letter bomb.

17. Fan letter

Meaning: A letter sent to a celebrity by a fan
Example: He sent a fan letter to his favorite actor.

18. Letter of marque

Meaning: License to attack enemy ships
Example: He held a letter of marque.

19. Letter of credit

Meaning: A letter from a bank guaranteeing payment
Example: They issued a letter of credit.

20. Form letter

Meaning: Pre-written letter for multiple uses
Example: She used a form letter for her replies.

Letter Idioms