Lazy Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Ever wondered how the word “lazy” pops up in everyday sayings? Well, you’re in luck! In this post, we’ll explore some common English idioms that either include the term “lazy” or capture the theme of laziness. These expressions are so easy to understand, even kids can start using them!

Lazy Idioms

Here are 20 lazy idioms in English.

1. Lazy as a toad

Meaning: Extremely lazy.
Example: He’s lazy as a toad during summers.

2. Lazy bones

Meaning: A very lazy person.
Example: Wake up, lazy bones!

3. Lazy Susan

Meaning: Rotating tray for easy reaching.
Example: Pass the pepper via the Lazy Susan.

4. Lazy days

Meaning: Periods of inactivity and relaxation.
Example: I enjoy the lazy days of August.

5. Take the lazy way

Meaning: Choose an easy or shortcut method.
Example: He always takes the lazy way in math.

6. Lazy money

Meaning: Money that is not actively working.
Example: His savings are just lazy money.

7. Lay about

Meaning: To be habitually lazy and inactive.
Example: He just lays about the house.

8. Lazy comfort

Meaning: Comfort achieved without effort.
Example: They live in lazy comfort.

9. Lazy load

Meaning: Technique to delay loading of objects.
Example: That website uses lazy load for images.

10. Lazy fever

Meaning: A state of feeling lazily content.
Example: Sunday afternoons give me lazy fever.

11. Lazy piece of furniture

Meaning: A person very reluctant to work.
Example: Get up, you lazy piece of furniture!

12. Lazy talk

Meaning: Speech lacking energy or enthusiasm.
Example: He gave a very lazy talk today.

13. Lazy wind

Meaning: Wind that feels bone-chillingly cold.
Example: It’s not cold, just a lazy wind.

14. Lazy hours

Meaning: Times spent doing nothing productive.
Example: We spent some lazy hours at the beach.

15. Lazy thinker

Meaning: Someone who avoids deep or complex thought.
Example: Don’t be such a lazy thinker!

16. Lazy River

Meaning: A slow-moving, meandering river.
Example: Let’s float down the lazy river.

17. Lazy writing

Meaning: Writing that lacks effort or quality.
Example: His book was full of lazy writing.

18. Lazy light

Meaning: Dim, insufficient lighting.
Example: The room was filled with lazy light.

19. Lazy answer

Meaning: An answer given with minimal effort.
Example: He often resorts to lazy answers.

20. Lazy eye

Meaning: A condition where one eye does not align properly.
Example: She was treated for a lazy eye.

Lazy Idioms