King Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun world of idioms! Today, we’re exploring phrases that include the word “king” or relate to kings. These expressions add color to our language and can make our conversations more interesting. Even if you’re young or new to English, you’ll find these idioms easy to understand and fun to use!

King Idioms

Here are 20 king idioms in English.

1. King’s ransom

Meaning: A very large amount of money
Example: He paid a king’s ransom for that car.

2. King of the hill

Meaning: The best at something
Example: He is the king of the hill in chess.

3. Live like a king

Meaning: Live in luxury
Example: On vacation, they lived like kings.

4. King-sized

Meaning: Very large
Example: He ordered a king-sized meal.

5. Kingpin

Meaning: The most important person
Example: He’s the kingpin in their group.

6. Kingmaker

Meaning: One who has great power
Example: She is considered a political kingmaker.

7. A king’s feast

Meaning: A very large meal
Example: They prepared a king’s feast for dinner.

8. King of beasts

Meaning: Refers to a lion
Example: Lions are called the king of beasts.

9. King’s English

Meaning: Proper, formal English
Example: He always speaks the King’s English.

10. Fit for a king

Meaning: Of very high quality
Example: This meal is fit for a king.

11. King of the jungle

Meaning: Refers to a lion
Example: The lion, king of the jungle, roared.

12. King of the castle

Meaning: The ruler or boss
Example: At home, he’s the king of the castle.

13. King-hit

Meaning: A powerful, unexpected punch
Example: He ended the fight with a king-hit.

14. Like a king

Meaning: In a luxurious manner
Example: He lives like a king in his mansion.

15. A night fit for a king

Meaning: A perfect, luxurious night
Example: Their wedding was a night fit for a king.

16. Play the king

Meaning: Act in a bossy manner
Example: He loves to play the king at meetings.

17. In the king’s court

Meaning: Among important people
Example: He stood proudly in the king’s court.

18. King’s guard

Meaning: Highly trusted protectors
Example: His bodyguards are like a king’s guard.

19. King’s word

Meaning: A final, authoritative statement
Example: His decision is the king’s word here.

20. Under the king’s wing

Meaning: Protected by someone powerful
Example: She is thriving under the king’s wing.

King Idioms