Insult Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Everyone sometimes feels a bit upset when they are insulted. To help understand how these feelings are expressed in English, let’s explore some common idioms related to insults. These phrases show us creative ways to talk about getting or giving an insult without using plain language. Perfect for kids and adults alike to learn and use in everyday conversation!

Insult Idioms

Here are 20 insult idioms in English.

1. Add insult to injury

Meaning: Make a bad situation worse
Example: He laughed, adding insult to injury.

2. Rub salt in the wound

Meaning: Worsen someone’s distress
Example: Mentioning her error was rubbing salt in the wound.

3. Kick someone when they are down

Meaning: Criticize someone in a bad situation
Example: Criticizing his skills now is kicking him when he’s down.

4. Slap in the face

Meaning: An unexpected insult or injury
Example: Not inviting her was a slap in the face.

5. Throw shade

Meaning: Subtly insult or criticize
Example: She threw shade with her backhanded compliment.

6. Cut to the quick

Meaning: Deeply hurt someone’s feelings
Example: His words cut her to the quick.

7. Twist the knife

Meaning: Make someone’s suffering worse
Example: He twisted the knife by laughing at me.

8. Backhanded compliment

Meaning: Insult disguised as a compliment
Example: Her comment was a backhanded compliment.

9. Give a piece of one’s mind

Meaning: Speak angrily or frankly
Example: She gave him a piece of her mind.

10. Take a dig at

Meaning: Subtly insult someone
Example: He took a dig at my cooking skills.

11. Hit below the belt

Meaning: Act unfairly or cruelly
Example: That personal comment hit below the belt.

12. Shoot down in flames

Meaning: Reject harshly or humiliatingly
Example: His idea was shot down in flames.

13. Throw someone under the bus

Meaning: Betray someone to avoid blame
Example: She threw me under the bus to save herself.

14. Sour grapes

Meaning: Disparaging what one cannot have
Example: Calling his award trivial was sour grapes.

15. Burn bridges

Meaning: Destroy one’s own opportunities
Example: Quitting like that burned his bridges.

16. Blow off steam

Meaning: Express anger to relieve stress
Example: He blew off steam after the meeting.

17. Lose face

Meaning: Be humiliated or disrespected
Example: He lost face when the truth came out.

18. Have the last laugh

Meaning: Ultimately succeed despite setbacks
Example: She had the last laugh over her critics.

19. Wash one’s hands of

Meaning: Disassociate from something damaging
Example: He washed his hands of the dishonest deal.

20. Throw the first stone

Meaning: Be the first to criticize
Example: He’s always ready to throw the first stone.

Insult Idioms