Idioms about Comfortable (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun blog post about idioms! Idioms are phrases that mean something different from the words in them. Even young readers can learn and enjoy these colorful expressions. Let’s dive in and explore some comfortable idioms that make conversations interesting and lively.

Comfortable Idioms

Here are 20 comfortable idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. As snug as a bug in a rug

Meaning: Very cozy and comfortable
Example: She curled up by the fire, as snug as a bug in a rug.

2. On cloud nine

Meaning: Extremely happy or comfortable
Example: After hearing the good news, he was on cloud nine.

3. Fit like a glove

Meaning: Perfectly suitable or well-fitted
Example: This new dress fits like a glove.

4. Take the edge off

Meaning: Lessen intensity or discomfort
Example: A warm cup of tea can take the edge off a cold day.

5. Warm and fuzzy

Meaning: Feeling happy and content
Example: Watching old movies gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling.

6. In seventh heaven

Meaning: In a state of bliss
Example: She was in seventh heaven with her new book.

7. Soft spot

Meaning: A particular fondness
Example: He has a soft spot for stray cats.

8. Wrap up in cotton wool

Meaning: Overprotective or pampering
Example: She wraps her children up in cotton wool.

9. Like a house on fire

Meaning: Very quickly and effectively
Example: They bonded like a house on fire.

10. Feather one’s nest

Meaning: Make a place comfortable or profitable
Example: He’s feathering his nest with all the new home decor.

11. Settle in

Meaning: Become comfortable in a place
Example: They settled in for a cozy evening.

12. Cushy job

Meaning: An easy, comfortable job
Example: He landed a cushy job at the library.

13. Make oneself at home

Meaning: Feel relaxed and comfortable
Example: Please, make yourself at home.

14. Smooth sailing

Meaning: Easy progress
Example: After the agreement, it was smooth sailing.

15. Like putting on an old shoe

Meaning: Very familiar and comfortable
Example: Returning to her hometown felt like putting on an old shoe.

16. Nestled in

Meaning: Settled or snugly placed
Example: The cabin is nestled in the mountains.

17. Home away from home

Meaning: A place where one is as comfortable as in their own home
Example: This cafe is my home away from home.

18. Without a hitch

Meaning: With no problems or difficulties
Example: The event went off without a hitch.

19. In the lap of luxury

Meaning: In conditions of great comfort and wealth
Example: They lived in the lap of luxury in the hotel.

20. No place like home

Meaning: Home is the most comfortable place
Example: After a long trip, there’s no place like home.

Comfortable Idioms