Idioms about Cloud (With Meaning and Examples)

Clouds aren’t just in the sky—they’re in our language too! This blog post explores common English idioms that use the word “cloud.” These phrases are colorful ways to express feelings or describe situations, and they’re used by people all over the world. Even kids can understand these fun expressions!

Cloud Idioms

Here are 20 cloud idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Every cloud has a silver lining

Meaning: Good aspects of a bad situation
Example: Lost your job? Every cloud has a silver lining; you disliked it anyway.

2. Head in the clouds

Meaning: Not paying attention or daydreaming
Example: He’s always got his head in the clouds during meetings.

3. On cloud nine

Meaning: Extremely happy
Example: She’s been on cloud nine since getting engaged.

4. Under a cloud

Meaning: In trouble or disfavor
Example: He’s been under a cloud since the scandal.

5. Cloud of suspicion

Meaning: Under suspicion
Example: There’s a cloud of suspicion over the missing funds.

6. Cloud of uncertainty

Meaning: Unsure or unclear situation
Example: A cloud of uncertainty hangs over their future.

7. Cloud your judgment

Meaning: Affect decision-making ability
Example: Don’t let anger cloud your judgment.

8. In a fog

Meaning: Confused, unclear thinking
Example: I’m in a fog about what decision to make.

9. Cloud over

Meaning: Become gloomy or sad
Example: His mood clouded over at the news.

10. Cast a cloud

Meaning: Make less enjoyable
Example: The argument cast a cloud over dinner.

11. A storm cloud

Meaning: A sign of trouble or conflict
Example: Storm clouds are brewing in their relationship.

12. Cloud the issue

Meaning: Make something unclear
Example: Let’s not cloud the issue with irrelevant details.

13. No clouds on the horizon

Meaning: No sign of trouble or difficulty
Example: It’s smooth sailing, no clouds on the horizon.

14. Cloud of gloom

Meaning: A feeling or atmosphere of depression
Example: A cloud of gloom fell over the team after the loss.

15. Clouds roll by

Meaning: Time passes, situations change
Example: Just wait, these troubles will cloud roll by.

16. Break through the clouds

Meaning: Overcome difficulties
Example: His smile broke through the clouds of her mood.

17. Clouds part

Meaning: Situation improves
Example: The clouds parted when he got the job offer.

18. Clouds gather

Meaning: Trouble is approaching
Example: Clouds gather as the debate intensifies.

19. Between the clouds

Meaning: In brief moments of clarity
Example: She found happiness between the clouds of her illness.

20. Cloud up

Meaning: Become clouded or obscured
Example: His expression clouded up with anger.

Cloud Idioms