Ideas Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun exploration of English idioms that include the word “idea” or relate to the theme of having an idea. Idioms are like secret codes or puzzles that can help you express yourself in colorful ways. Let’s dive into the quirky world of “idea” idioms that can spice up your conversations!

Idea Idioms

Here are 20 idea idioms in English.

1. Bright idea

Meaning: A clever or innovative idea
Example: She had a bright idea to solve the puzzle.

2. Get the idea

Meaning: To understand something
Example: He quickly got the idea of the game.

3. That’s the idea

Meaning: You are doing it correctly
Example: Yes, keep going, that’s the idea!

4. Toy with the idea

Meaning: Consider doing something
Example: She toyed with the idea of starting a blog.

5. No idea

Meaning: To not know
Example: I have no idea where my keys are.

6. Big idea

Meaning: An important plan or notion
Example: His big idea was to open a café.

7. Idea man

Meaning: A person who generates ideas
Example: He’s known as the idea man at work.

8. Come to the idea

Meaning: To realize or decide on something
Example: She came to the idea after much thought.

9. Full of ideas

Meaning: Having a lot of ideas
Example: He is always full of ideas for new projects.

10. Idea strikes

Meaning: Suddenly have a great idea
Example: The idea struck him in the shower.

11. Half-baked idea

Meaning: Poorly thought-out plan
Example: It was a half-baked idea to go swimming in the storm.

12. Warped idea

Meaning: A distorted or bad idea
Example: That’s a warped idea that won’t work.

13. Sell someone on an idea

Meaning: Convince someone of an idea
Example: He sold the team on his marketing idea.

14. Kick around an idea

Meaning: Discuss an idea informally
Example: Let’s kick around the idea tomorrow.

15. Run with an idea

Meaning: To take an idea and develop it
Example: She decided to run with the idea for the event.

16. Shoot down an idea

Meaning: To reject or dismiss an idea
Example: They shot down his idea at the meeting.

17. Fresh idea

Meaning: A new and unique idea
Example: She came up with a fresh idea for the show.

18. Revive an idea

Meaning: Bring back an old idea
Example: They decided to revive an idea from the ’90s.

19. Brainchild

Meaning: An idea or invention one has created
Example: This app was his brainchild.

20. Harp on the same idea

Meaning: To keep talking about the same idea
Example: He kept harping on the same idea all meeting.

IDEA Idioms