Hope vs. Wish: What’s the Difference?

While “hope” and “wish” both express desires for the future, their connotations differ. “Hope” suggests a desire paired with a reasonable expectation that it might occur, grounded in possibility or probability. Conversely, “wish” expresses a desire without necessarily implying any likelihood of fulfillment, often carrying an element of fantasy.

For instance, you might “hope” for good weather next week if the forecast is favorable, but “wish” for it to snow in summer, understanding it’s improbable. The distinction rests in the feasibility of the desired outcome.



  • “Hope” refers to a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen.


  1. Emotional Context:
    • Expressing optimism: “I hope you get well soon.”
    • Describing anticipation: “She hopes to see her friend at the concert.”
  2. Future Events:
    • Reasonable expectations: “We hope for good weather tomorrow.”
  3. Positive Outlook:
    • Maintaining optimism in adversity: “Even during tough times, he holds on to hope.”


  • “I hope the meeting goes well.”
  • “The team hopes to win the championship.”
  • “In uncertain times, it’s important to hold on to hope.”



  • “Wish” involves a desire for something that is unlikely or impossible to attain.


  1. Hypothetical Situations:
    • Unrealistic desires: “I wish I could fly.”
  2. Formal and Polite Contexts:
    • Offering best wishes: “I wish you a happy birthday.”
    • Expressing regret: “I wish we had more time.”
  3. Impossibilities:
    • Desiring improbable outcomes: “She wished she could turn back time.”


  • “I wish you a pleasant journey.”
  • “He wishes he could revisit his childhood.”
  • “They wish for world peace.”

In summary, “hope” conveys a realistic anticipation of something possible, while “wish” encompasses more fantastical or improbable desires. Understanding these nuances helps in communicating the likelihood and expectation of our desires effectively.

Hope vs Wish (What's the Difference)