Honey Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Honey is not just a sweet treat; it’s also a popular word in many English sayings. These phrases, called idioms, make our language more colorful and fun. Let’s explore some of these honey-themed idioms and find out what they really mean and how to use them.

Honey Idioms

Here are 20 honey idioms in English.

1. The land of milk and honey

Meaning: A place of abundance and plenty
Example: He moved to America, seeking the land of milk and honey.

2. Honey trap

Meaning: A trap set with allurements
Example: The spy used a honey trap to catch the diplomat.

3. Honey, I’m home!

Meaning: Announcing one’s return home
Example: He shouted joyfully, “Honey, I’m home!”

4. Honeyed words

Meaning: Flattering and sweet words
Example: His honeyed words won her over quickly.

5. Busy as a bee

Meaning: Very active and industrious
Example: She’s been as busy as a bee all morning.

6. Make a beeline for

Meaning: Go straight towards something
Example: He made a beeline for the snacks.

7. Sweet as honey

Meaning: Extremely sweet or charming
Example: Her grandmother is sweet as honey.

8. The bee’s knees

Meaning: An excellent person or thing
Example: This new car is the bee’s knees!

9. Full of bees

Meaning: To have silly ideas
Example: He’s full of bees today.

10. Honeyed tongue

Meaning: To speak in a pleasing or insincere way
Example: He can’t be trusted, he’s got a honeyed tongue.

11. Spelling bee

Meaning: A contest in which words are spelled
Example: She won the annual spelling bee.

12. Stir the honey pot

Meaning: To create a desirable situation
Example: He knows how to stir the honey pot at work.

13. A taste of honey

Meaning: A small experience of something pleasant
Example: She had just a taste of honey in acting.

14. To have a bee in one’s bonnet

Meaning: To be obsessed with an idea
Example: He has a bee in his bonnet about cleanliness.

15. Pour honey in one’s ear

Meaning: To flatter someone
Example: She poured honey in his ear to get the favor.

16. Honey-do list

Meaning: A list of tasks assigned by one’s spouse
Example: He had a long honey-do list for the weekend.

17. Honey bunch

Meaning: A term of affection
Example: Good morning, my honey bunch!

18. As busy as a bee in a tar pot

Meaning: Extremely busy or preoccupied
Example: I’m as busy as a bee in a tar pot today.

19. Like honey to a bear

Meaning: Extremely attractive or desirable
Example: The new phone was like honey to a bear.

20. Bee in one’s bonnet

Meaning: To be preoccupied or obsessed with an idea
Example: She’s got a bee in her bonnet about art.

Honey Idioms