Hero Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our simple guide on “Hero” idioms! Idioms are phrases that mean something different from the actual words. This list focuses on expressions with the word “hero” and themes related to heroism. These idioms are easy to understand, so even kids can start using them in daily conversations!

Hero Idioms

Here are 20 hero idioms in English.

1. Unsung hero

Meaning: A hero who isn’t acknowledged
Example: Mrs. Thompson is an unsung hero in our community.

2. Zero to hero

Meaning: From nothing to success
Example: He went from zero to hero overnight.

3. Be the hero of one’s own story

Meaning: To lead your life heroically
Example: She always tries to be the hero of her story.

4. Every hero has a flaw

Meaning: Nobody is perfect
Example: Even the best have their weaknesses.

5. Hero worship

Meaning: Admire someone greatly
Example: The young boys hero worship the quarterback.

6. Hero’s welcome

Meaning: A warm, enthusiastic reception
Example: He received a hero’s welcome returning home.

7. Like a hero

Meaning: Bravely, with courage
Example: He fought the fire like a hero.

8. Homegrown hero

Meaning: A hero from our own area
Example: The local firefighter is a homegrown hero.

9. Action hero

Meaning: A hero known for action
Example: He dreams of being an action hero.

10. Reluctant hero

Meaning: A hero without intention
Example: He’s a reluctant hero, avoiding the spotlight.

11. Everyday hero

Meaning: A normal person doing heroic acts
Example: Teachers are everyday heroes.

12. Fallen hero

Meaning: A hero who has lost glory
Example: The fallen hero lamented his past.

13. Make a hero out of someone

Meaning: Exaggerate someone’s deeds
Example: The media made a hero out of him.

14. Anti-hero

Meaning: A hero lacking traditional traits
Example: He’s more of an anti-hero in the story.

15. Folk hero

Meaning: A hero of the common people
Example: Robin Hood was a folk hero.

16. Hero complex

Meaning: Need to save others
Example: He has a bit of a hero complex.

17. Would-be hero

Meaning: Someone trying to be a hero
Example: The would-be hero rushed to help.

18. Tragic hero

Meaning: A hero doomed to fail
Example: Macbeth is a tragic hero.

19. Hero of the hour

Meaning: Temporary hero
Example: She was the hero of the hour at work.

20. Celebrate someone as a hero

Meaning: To honor someone greatly
Example: They celebrated him as a hero.

hero Idioms