Heat Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun world of idioms! Today, we’re turning up the heat with some cool phrases that use the word “heat.” Idioms are phrases that mean something different from the actual words they use. Let’s dive into these hot expressions to see what they really mean!

Heat Idioms

Here are 20 heat idioms in English.

1. In the heat of the moment

Meaning: Acting without thinking during excitement

Example: He apologized after yelling in the heat of the moment.

2. Turn up the heat

Meaning: Increase pressure or intensity

Example: The boss turned up the heat to meet the deadline.

3. Take the heat

Meaning: Accept criticism or punishment

Example: She took the heat for the team’s mistake.

4. Full of hot air

Meaning: Talking a lot but without substance

Example: Ignore him; he’s just full of hot air.

5. Heat up

Meaning: Become more intense or exciting

Example: The debate really heated up after the break.

6. Heat wave

Meaning: A prolonged period of hot weather

Example: We stayed indoors during the heat wave.

7. Out of the frying pan into the fire

Meaning: From bad to worse situation

Example: They jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.

8. Break the ice

Meaning: Start a conversation

Example: He told a joke to break the ice.

9. Get into hot water

Meaning: Get into trouble

Example: He got into hot water with the law.

10. Hot under the collar

Meaning: Very angry or upset

Example: He was hot under the collar at the news.

11. A hot ticket

Meaning: Very popular or in demand

Example: That concert is a hot ticket this summer.

12. Too hot to handle

Meaning: Difficult or dangerous to deal with

Example: The scandal was too hot to handle.

13. Heat of the battle

Meaning: Intense part of a competition or conflict

Example: In the heat of the battle, mistakes were made.

14. Hot off the press

Meaning: Newly printed or released

Example: This news is hot off the press!

15. Heat-seeking

Meaning: Looking for excitement or trouble

Example: He’s always heat-seeking at parties.

16. Hot-headed

Meaning: Easily angered or impulsive

Example: His hot-headed decisions often led to trouble.

17. Heat things up

Meaning: Make a situation more lively

Example: They heated things up with some dance music.

18. Hotspot

Meaning: An area of intense activity or popularity

Example: This bar is the new hotspot downtown.

19. Cool down the heat

Meaning: Reduce intensity or anger

Example: They talked and cooled down the heat.

20. The melting point

Meaning: The point of collapse under stress

Example: He reached his melting point and quit.

Heat Idioms