Hat Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Hats aren’t just for wearing on your head; they’re also used in many fun phrases in English. Let’s explore some common idioms that involve the word “hat,” which help add color and interest to our language. Even kids can understand and enjoy these expressions!

Hat Idioms

Here are 20 hat idioms in English.

1. At the drop of a hat

Meaning: Immediately, without hesitation
Example: He agreed to help at the drop of a hat.

2. Old hat

Meaning: Something widely known, not new
Example: This game is old hat to Sam.

3. Keep it under your hat

Meaning: Keep something a secret
Example: Please keep this gift under your hat until her birthday.

4. Wear many hats

Meaning: Have many different roles
Example: As a manager, she wears many hats.

5. Talk through one’s hat

Meaning: Speak nonsensically or without knowledge
Example: He was talking through his hat during the meeting.

6. Throw your hat in the ring

Meaning: Show willingness to join an activity
Example: I decided to throw my hat in the ring for the committee position.

7. Take one’s hat off to someone

Meaning: Respect or admire someone
Example: We all take our hats off to the volunteers.

8. Pass the hat

Meaning: Collect money among a group
Example: They passed the hat to raise funds for the trip.

9. Pull a rabbit out of a hat

Meaning: Do something surprising
Example: The teacher pulled a rabbit out of a hat with a pop quiz.

10. Hang up one’s hat

Meaning: Settle in a place or retire
Example: After years of travel, he hung up his hat in Lisbon.

11. Eat one’s hat

Meaning: To be greatly surprised
Example: If they come back to win, I’ll eat my hat.

12. A feather in one’s cap

Meaning: A great achievement
Example: Winning the award was a feather in her cap.

13. Hat in hand

Meaning: Asking for a favor humbly
Example: He came to me, hat in hand, seeking advice.

14. Mad as a hatter

Meaning: Completely crazy
Example: She was acting as mad as a hatter at the party.

15. Toss one’s hat over the wall

Meaning: Commit to a challenging task
Example: He tossed his hat over the wall by signing up for the marathon.

16. Under one’s hat

Meaning: Kept secret
Example: I have some big news, but I’ll keep it under my hat for now.

17. If the hat fits, wear it

Meaning: If a description applies to you, accept it
Example: He should admit the mistake; if the hat fits, wear it.

18. A tip of the hat

Meaning: A sign of recognition or greeting
Example: I give a tip of the hat to anyone who volunteers.

19. To throw one’s hat over the fence

Meaning: To force oneself to take action
Example: By applying for the job, he threw his hat over the fence.

20. Home is where you hang your hat

Meaning: Home is wherever you choose it to be
Example: He felt at home in Paris, where he hung his hat.

I hope these revised examples help clarify the meanings of each idiom more effectively!

Hat Idioms