Hand Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

In this blog post, we’re diving into the world of hand idioms! Idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say but have a special meaning all their own. Today, we’ll explore some common idioms that include the word “hand,” and you’ll learn what they really mean and how to use them.

Hand Idioms

Here are 20 hand idioms in English.

1. Hand in hand

Meaning: Closely associated

Example: We worked hand in hand to complete the project.

2. Hand over fist

Meaning: Making a lot of money quickly

Example: He’s making money hand over fist.

3. Hand to mouth

Meaning: Living with just enough money

Example: They live hand to mouth.

4. Second hand

Meaning: Previously owned by someone else

Example: She bought a second hand bike.

5. Upper hand

Meaning: Having control or advantage

Example: She gained the upper hand in the debate.

6. Hands down

Meaning: Easily, without much effort

Example: He won the race hands down.

7. Hand-me-down

Meaning: Used clothing passed on

Example: I wore my sister’s hand-me-downs.

8. Show of hands

Meaning: Raise hands to vote or express

Example: Let’s have a show of hands.

9. Hands are tied

Meaning: Unable to act freely

Example: My hands are tied in this situation.

10. Handful

Meaning: A small amount; often difficult

Example: She’s quite a handful to manage.

11. Hand in your notice

Meaning: To resign from a job

Example: He handed in his notice yesterday.

12. At hand

Meaning: Nearby; close in time

Example: Help is at hand.

13. Hand on heart

Meaning: To sincerely promise something

Example: Hand on heart, I didn’t do it.

14. Hand out

Meaning: To distribute

Example: She handed out the invitations.

15. Tip of the hand

Meaning: Indication or hint about something

Example: He never showed the tip of his hand.

16. Hand to hand

Meaning: Direct or close combat

Example: They fought hand to hand.

17. By hand

Meaning: Done manually, not by machine

Example: She knits everything by hand.

18. Out of hand

Meaning: Out of control

Example: The party got out of hand.

19. In hand

Meaning: Currently being considered or dealt with

Example: We have the situation in hand.

20. Wash one’s hands of

Meaning: To refuse to have further involvement

Example: I washed my hands of the whole affair.

Hand Idioms