Hammer Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

In everyday speech, we often use special phrases called idioms that have a meaning different from the words that make them up. In this post, we’ll explore idioms that involve the word “hammer.” These expressions are not only fun but also offer a peek into the colorful aspects of the English language. Let’s dive into the world of “hammer” idioms, perfect for kids and adults alike to learn!

Hammer Idioms

Here are 20 hammer idioms in English.

1. To go at it hammer and tongs

Meaning: To do something with full energy and enthusiasm
Example: They went at it hammer and tongs to finish the project.

2. To hammer out a deal

Meaning: To negotiate a deal with all details
Example: They hammered out a deal over the weekend.

3. To hammer home

Meaning: To make something clearly understood
Example: She hammered home the importance of honesty.

4. Under the hammer

Meaning: Being sold at an auction
Example: The painting went under the hammer yesterday.

5. To nail down

Meaning: To finalize or secure something
Example: We need to nail down the event details.

6. Hammer and sickle

Meaning: Symbol representing communism
Example: The flag bore the hammer and sickle.

7. To hit the nail on the head

Meaning: To describe exactly what is causing a situation
Example: He hit the nail on the head with his guess.

8. To take a hammering

Meaning: To suffer a severe defeat or damage
Example: Their team took a hammering last night.

9. Drop the hammer

Meaning: To impose a severe punishment or ruling
Example: The judge dropped the hammer with that sentence.

10. Hammer and nails

Meaning: Basic tools and supplies for carpentry
Example: We’ve got enough hammer and nails for the job.

11. Hammer in the morning

Meaning: Working hard from early on
Example: He was hammering in the morning to finish.

12. To beat the hammer

Meaning: To avoid auction sale by buying beforehand
Example: She beat the hammer by purchasing early.

13. Hammer-headed

Meaning: Stubborn, unable to change opinion
Example: He’s too hammer-headed to listen.

14. To throw a hammer

Meaning: To introduce a problem or obstacle
Example: He threw a hammer in our plans.

15. Hammer blow

Meaning: A sudden devastating event or impact
Example: The news came as a hammer blow.

16. Golden hammer

Meaning: A highly esteemed but often misused solution
Example: This software is their golden hammer.

17. Between hammer and anvil

Meaning: Caught between two difficulties
Example: He’s between hammer and anvil now.

18. Hammer song

Meaning: A rhythmic, forceful song
Example: They played a real hammer song last night.

19. To hammer away

Meaning: To work or insist persistently
Example: She kept hammering away at the task.

20. Hammer of justice

Meaning: Symbol or act of firm correction or justice
Example: They called for the hammer of justice.

HaMMEr Idioms