10 Best Haiku Poems about Autumn

Embrace the enchanting beauty of autumn with  Haiku Poems about Autumn. These haikus capture the essence of fall — the crisp air, the dance of falling leaves, and the rich tapestry of colors. Each poem, in its succinct form, paints a vivid picture of this serene season.

Haiku Poems about Autumn

1. Golden Leaves

Golden leaves fall soft,

Whispering autumn’s secrets,

Nature’s quiet shift.

2. Autumn’s Chill

Chill winds gently blow,

Trees in fiery colors dressed,

Autumn’s breath, so cold.

3. Harvest Moon

Harvest moon aglow,

Illuminates fields of gold,

Night’s autumnal crown.

4. Fading Warmth

Sun’s warmth wanes in fall,

Amber light through rustling leaves,

Day meets early night.

5. Misty Mornings

Misty mornings rise,

A veil over autumn’s face,

Whispers of grey fog.

6. Pumpkin Spice

Pumpkin spice in air,

Sweet aroma of fall’s treat,

Autumn’s flavor dance.

7. Geese Migration

Geese in V formation,

Across the cool autumn sky,

Farewell till next year.

8. Apple Orchards

Ripe apples hang low,

Orchards rich with autumn’s gifts,

Juicy and sun-kissed.

9. Woolen Comfort

Woolen scarves wrap tight,

Against autumn’s crisp embrace,

Warmth in every thread.

10. Fading Green

Leaves lose their green hue,

Autumn’s artists at their work,

Painting with nature.

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Haiku Poems about Autumn