Ground Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Have you ever heard someone use a phrase with the word “ground” in it and wondered what it means? Well, idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say but have a different, often colorful meaning. Today, we’re going to explore some common idioms that include the word “ground.” These phrases are fun to learn and can make your conversations more interesting!

Ground Idioms

Here are 20 ground idioms in English.

1. Break new ground

Meaning: Do something innovative
Example: She broke new ground with her research.

2. Common ground

Meaning: Shared interests or opinions
Example: They found common ground on the issue.

3. Get off the ground

Meaning: Start successfully
Example: His business is finally getting off the ground.

4. Go to ground

Meaning: Hide or become less visible
Example: He went to ground after the scandal.

5. Ground rules

Meaning: Basic guidelines
Example: Let’s establish some ground rules.

6. Hit the ground running

Meaning: Start something energetically
Example: She hit the ground running in her new job.

7. Keep one’s feet on the ground

Meaning: Remain practical and sensible
Example: He keeps his feet on the ground.

8. Lose ground

Meaning: Become less popular or successful
Example: Their party is losing ground in polls.

9. Prepare the ground

Meaning: Make preliminary preparations
Example: They prepared the ground for negotiations.

10. Stand one’s ground

Meaning: Maintain one’s position firmly
Example: She stood her ground during the debate.

11. Cut the ground from under

Meaning: Weaken someone’s position
Example: His remark cut the ground from under her argument.

12. Hold the ground

Meaning: Maintain a position against opposition
Example: They held their ground against the critics.

13. Groundbreaking

Meaning: Innovative, pioneering
Example: It was a groundbreaking discovery.

14. On dangerous ground

Meaning: In a risky situation
Example: He’s on dangerous ground with his boss.

15. Run to ground

Meaning: Pursue until capture
Example: The police ran the thief to ground.

16. Shift ground

Meaning: Change one’s position or opinion
Example: He shifted ground on the policy issue.

17. Smooth the ground

Meaning: Make future events easier
Example: She smoothed the ground for further discussions.

18. Stamp one’s ground

Meaning: Emphasize one’s stance
Example: He stamped his ground during the negotiation.

19. Gain ground

Meaning: Become more popular or successful
Example: Her ideas are gaining ground in the community.

20. Ground zero

Meaning: Starting point, central point
Example: The city was ground zero for the protest.

Ground Idioms