Greek Idioms in English (With Meaning and Examples)

Ever wonder how people in Greece express themselves? Greek idioms are fun and interesting phrases that say one thing but mean something completely different. In this post, we’ll explore 20 Greek idioms translated into English. These expressions add color to the language and show just how playful language can be!

Greek Idioms

Here are 20 Greek idioms in English.

1. To hang noodles on one’s ears

Meaning: To tell lies or nonsense.

Example: He’s just hanging noodles on your ears; don’t believe him.

2. To eat a frog

Meaning: To do something unpleasant.

Example: I ate the frog and cleaned my room early.

3. To have the Christ’s years

Meaning: To be thirty-three years old.

Example: Next year, I’ll have the Christ’s years.

4. To write with a donkey’s feather

Meaning: To write nonsense or poorly.

Example: He writes with a donkey’s feather.

5. To play the flute to a buffalo

Meaning: To speak without being listened to.

Example: Explaining math to him is like playing the flute to a buffalo.

6. The café got closed

Meaning: The conversation is over.

Example: He left abruptly; the café got closed.

7. To have parsley

Meaning: To meddle in every discussion.

Example: She always has to have parsley in our talks.

8. Like vinegar in a salad

Meaning: Fits well or is very suitable.

Example: His joke was like vinegar in a salad.

9. To make a cat’s step

Meaning: To sneak or move quietly.

Example: He made a cat’s step out of the room.

10. To catch two watermelons with one hand

Meaning: To try to do two difficult tasks at once.

Example: She’s catching two watermelons with one hand.

11. To sell air

Meaning: To make empty promises.

Example: Stop selling air and do something!

12. I see your ear

Meaning: I understand what you’re implying.

Example: Oh, I see your ear; you want cookies!

13. Not even the crows will find you

Meaning: You will disappear without a trace.

Example: Hide well so not even the crows will find you.

14. Milk was spilt

Meaning: It’s not important anymore.

Example: Forget it, milk was spilt now.

15. To throw a chair

Meaning: To disrupt or cause a commotion.

Example: He threw a chair in the meeting.

16. You don’t catch crabs here

Meaning: You’re not fooling anyone.

Example: Come on, you don’t catch crabs here!

17. Like a chicken in the mist

Meaning: Completely confused or lost.

Example: I was like a chicken in the mist during that lecture.

18. His candle is burning

Meaning: He is getting angry.

Example: Watch out, his candle is burning.

19. To throw a frog

Meaning: To introduce a shocking statement.

Example: Then he just threw a frog in the conversation.

20. To find the handle

Meaning: To figure something out.

Example: She finally found the handle on the problem.

Greek Idioms