Gossip vs Slander (What’s the Difference?)

Gossip and slander both involve sharing information about others, but they differ significantly in intent and consequences.

Gossip is generally informal and may not be intentionally harmful, often involving casual conversation or rumors about someone’s personal life. Slander, however, is more serious, involving the intentional spread of false information with the intent to damage a person’s reputation.

While gossip can be harmless, slander carries legal implications due to its damaging nature.


Definition: Gossip refers to informal or casual conversations about other people, often involving unverified or trivial information.

Usage and Examples:

  • Casual Conversation: Gossip often arises in social settings where people share the latest news about acquaintances. For example, “During lunch, they gossiped about their colleague’s new relationship.”
  • Rumors: Gossip can involve spreading rumors, which may be true or false. “There’s gossip going around that the new manager is leaving soon.”
  • Entertainment: In some contexts, gossip is consumed as a form of entertainment, particularly in celebrity news. “The tabloid thrives on gossip about movie stars.”


Definition: Slander involves making false, damaging statements about someone with the intent to harm their reputation. It is typically spoken rather than written (which would be libel).

Usage and Examples:

  • Intentional Defamation: Slander is used to deliberately defame someone’s character through untrue statements. For example, “He slandered his business rival by falsely accusing him of fraud.”
  • Legal Implications: Slander can lead to legal consequences if the victim sues for defamation. “The celebrity won a lawsuit against the tabloid for slander after they falsely claimed she was involved in criminal activity.”
  • Public Statements: Slander typically involves spoken words in public or private settings. “The politician’s speech was full of slander against his opponent, spreading lies about his personal life.”

While gossip is often benign and part of everyday social interaction, slander carries a heavier weight due to its intentional harm and legal repercussions.

Gossip vs Slander